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Maurice Parker edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 5 revisions

These are common terms used by the project. They might not be in common use, so we define them here.


Can be either an iCloud account or a local account. An Account contains Documents, Tags, and Document Containers.

Document Container

An object that contains documents.

Tagged Document Container

This is Document Container that determines its contents based on document tags. If a Outline is created while a Tagged Document Container is being viewed, the new Outline automatically gets the Tag.

Search Document Container

This is a Document Container that determines its contents based on Search criteria.


This is metadata that can be assigned to an Outline to categorize it.


This is a generalization of Script and Outline.


Code that can be executed to manipulate entities in Zavala.


A hierarchal structure of Rows.


Contains both a Topic and a Note.


The main text entry type in an Outline. Sometimes called a Headline.


Detail information about the Topic it is associated with.