Jukebox, Boombox, SpotiBox. Developed in XCode and primarily implemented in Swift. Uses Spotify's iOS SDK for login authentication and its Web API to search and play music. Final project for my Intro to Swift/iOS course. Note: To use all features in this app, you need a Spotify Premium account. Otherwise you will be unable to play music.
- Xcode - IDE for MacOS
- Spotify - iOS SDK and Web API
- CocoaPods
- Alamofire - Used to grab JSON data from Spotify's Web API
- SwiftyJSON - Used to parse the JSON data
- Tutoral on integrating iOS Spotify SDK for Swift 3.0+
- Spotify Demo
- Spotify Search
- Swift for iOS Development
- Play and pause icons made by RoundIcons from flaticon
- DJ icon made by Freepik from flaticon