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The ColorSchemer is a Forms library based utility.
The Forms library  can be found at

The ColorSchemer consist of three parts:
  Basic utilty and core data,
  Cterm distilled color scheme data files and
  Gui distilled color scheme data files.

The core subset of colorschemer does not require either the
cterm or gui data files. It consist of the Distill code
found in 'distill.vim' and the Viewer code found in 'viewer.vim'.
In addition, it has a collection of some 687 third-party color
scheme files.

The Distiller will take one or more color scheme files and
produce 'distilled' versions of those color schema.
The processing does the following:
*  It eliminates those highlight group declarations that are redundant,
*  It eliminates those group attributes that are redundant,
*  Generates a standard comment header and initial VimL code:

        set background= 'light' or 'dark'
        hi clear

        if exists("syntax_on")
            syntax reset

        let g:colors_name = expand("<sfile>:t:r")

*  Output highlight group definitions targeted for specific GVim and Vim

        if has("gui_running")
            " highlights for GVim
        elseif &t_Co == 256
            " highlights for 256 color Xterm Vim
        elseif &t_Co == 88
            " highlights for 88 urvxt color Vim
        elseif &t_Co == 16
            " highlights for 16 color Xterm Vim
        else " &t_Co == 8
            " highlights for 8 color Xterm Vim

*  It eliminates redundant link definitions,
*  The background color set depends primarily on the Normal background value and not what the color scheme file says (because, they sometimes lie).
*  When appropriate generates both a 'dark' and 'light' version of the same base color scheme file.

One of the Distill functions takes all of the 687 third-party color
schema and distills them. It should be noted that slightly different
results are achieved when executing the Distill code in GVim versus
Vim (some color schemes only have definitions for GVim or Vim).

Also part of the core distribution that allows one to very easily
view different file-types applying different color schemes.
Far easier and quicker than other ways.
The viewer can be invoked through the mapping:


The Cterm distribution contains the set of distilled files generated
by the distill script by using Vim. A user can simply download this
set if they do not want to generate them themselves using distill.vim.

The Gui distribution contains the set of distilled files generated
by the distill script by using GVim. A user can simply download this
set if they do not want to generate them themselves using distill.vim.

The release version can also be found at:

Examples images of the color schemer viewer can be found at: