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Frunzik is a library that provides functional programming primitives for C language under C99 standard.


clone this repository to your project

$ git clone

build shared library

$ cd frunzik
$ make

link your code with

In order to play with code samples put provided skeleton into my-awesome-app.c file and compile it as shown below.

$ gcc -I <path to>/frunzik/src -L <path to>/frunzik my-awesome-app.c -l frunzik -o my-awesome-app
/* skeleton for `my-awesome-app.c` file */
#include "frunzik.h"

int main() {
  double input[] = { 1.0, 2.3, 8.08, -3.14 };
  list_t* grades = list_of(double, input, input + 4);

  return 0;

inform OS linker where resides


run your executable

$ ./my-awesome-app



struct list_t {
  void* head;
  list_t* tail;

Is a data structure that represents node within singly linked list. Last element of a list has tail field assigned to NULL.

// library treats this as empty list
list_t* empty_list = NULL;

// one element list
list_t* single_element_list = &(list_t) { 1, NULL };


list_t* cons(void* head, list_t* tail)

Is a list constructor function. It takes reference to object being inserted head and reference to existing list tail and produces new list. This new list has head as its first element. Use cons as prepend operation and list_of/list for inplace list construction.

list_t* list = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, NULL)));

 * code above has next memory layout
 *                      1              2              3
 *                      ^              ^              ^
 *                      |              |              |
 *                      |              |              |
 *               +------|-+     +------|-+     +------|-+
 *               | head + |     | head + |     | head + |
 *               |        |     |        |     |        |
 * list  +------>+ tail +------>+ tail +------>+ tail +------> NULL
 *               +--------+     +--------+     +--------+


void* head(list_t* list)

Is a list query function. It returns first element inside list argument.

list_t* list = list(1, 2, 3);
head(list) == 1;


list_t* tail(list_t* list)

Is a list query function. It returns list of all elements inside list argument except first.

list_t* rest = list(2, 3);
list_t* list = cons(1, rest);
tail(list) == rest;


bool is_empty(list_t* list)

Is a list query function. It checks whether list arguments is empty list or not. Function return true for empty list and false otherwise.

is_empty(list()) == true;

is_empty(list(1, 2, 3)) == false;


list_t* concat(list_t* left, list_t* right)

Is a list construction function. It takes lists to be joined left/right and produces new list with left elements follow by ones from the right.

list_t* a = list(1, 2, 3);
list_t* b = list(4, 5, 6);
concat(a, b); // --> list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)


void* nth(size_t index, list_t* list)

Is a list query function. It returns nth elemnet pointed by index from the list. Behaviour is undefined once index value exceeds length of the list.

list_t* list = list('a', 'b', 'c');

nth(0, list) == 'a';
nth(1, list) == 'b';
nth(2, list) == 'c';

// undefined behaviour, most likely ends up with segmentation fault
nth(3, list)


size_t length(list_t* list)

Is a list query function. It returns length of the list.

length(list()) == 0;

length(list(1, 2, 3)) == 3;


#define list_of(type, first, last)

Is a list construction macros. It is used when you need construct list from array. It takes type of array and adresses of first and last elements and produces new list that holds references to array elements between first/last items. Be aware that lifetime managment is your responsibility once you reference objects with automatic storge duration.

int x[] = { 1, 2, 3 };

list_t* list = list_of(int, x, x + 3);

// Ok. lifetimes of `x` and `list` match
nth(0, list) == &x[0];
nth(1, list) == &x[1];
nth(2, list) == &x[2];

// VS

list_t* foo() {
  int x[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
  // Is a big No No No.
  // here we reference `x` array that will be disposed after function call
  // returned list will hold references to deleted objects
  return list_of(int, x, x + 3); 

list_t* list = foo();

// Fail. `list` outlives `x`
nth(0, list) == &x[0];
nth(1, list) == &x[1];
nth(2, list) == &x[2];


#define list(...)

Is a list construction macros. It is used when you need construct list from arbitrary number of references.

list_t* list = list(1, 2, 3); // --> cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, NULL)))


typedef void* (*thunk_t)(list_t*)

Is a variadic function type. It is used as a body of the first class function.

int* number(int value) {
  int* number = gc_malloc(sizeof *number);
  return number ? (*number = value, number) : NULL;

void* sum_ints(list_t* arguments) {
  if (is_empty(arguments)) {
    return number(0);
  int value = *(int*) head(arguments);
  return number(value + *(int*) sum_ints(tail(arguments)));

thunk_t sum = sum_ints;

*(int*) sum(list(number(1), number(10), number(100))) == 111;


struct function_t {
  thunk_t thunk;
  list_t* arguments;

Is a data structure that represents first class function. It maintains executable code and its input data inside thunk/arguments fields. Input data could be provided during application/bind phase see apply/call/bind_args.

int* number(int value) {
  int* number = gc_malloc(sizeof *number);
  return number ? (*number = value, number) : NULL;

void* add_two_ints(list_t* arguments) {
  int x = *(int*) nth(0, arguments);
  int y = *(int*) nth(1, arguments);
  return number(x + y);

function_t* add = &(function_t) { add_two_ints, list() };
function_t* increment = &(function_t) { add_two_ints, list(number(1)) };

*(int*) call(add, number(1), number(100)) == 101;
*(int*) call(increment, number(100))      == 101;


#define DEFINE_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(name, body)
#define DEFINE_PRIVATE_FUNCTION(name, body)

Is a function construction macroses. It wraps plain function into first class function. DEFINE_PUBLIC_FUNCTION macros makes wrapper visible across different translation units while DEFINE_PRIVATE_FUNCTION restrict it to current one.

void* add_two_ints(list_t* arguments) {
  int x = *(int*) nth(0, arguments);
  int y = *(int*) nth(1, arguments);
  return number(x + y);

funtion_t* public_add = &(funtion_t) { add_two_ints, NULL };
static funtion_t* private_add = &(funtion_t) { add_two_ints, NULL };

// VS

int add_two_ints(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

  RETURN_VALUE(add_two_ints, int, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0), BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 1))

  RETURN_VALUE(add_two_ints, int, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0), BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 1))


void* apply(function_t* fn, list_t* arguments)

Is a function application operation. It applies function to list of supplied arguments

int add_two_ints(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

  RETURN_VALUE(add_two_ints, int, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0), BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 1))

int* number(int value) {
  int* number = gc_malloc(sizeof *number);
  return number ? (*number = value, number) : NULL;

*(int*) apply(add, list(number(1), number(100))) == 101;


#define call(fn, ...)

Is a function application operation. It applies function to comma separated arguments.

int add_two_ints(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

  RETURN_VALUE(add_two_ints, int, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0), BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 1))

int* number(int value) {
  int* number = gc_malloc(sizeof *number);
  return number ? (*number = value, number) : NULL;

*(int*) call(add, number(1), number(100)) == 101;


#define bind_args(fn, ...)

Is a bind operation on function arguments. It binds supplied arguments to ones in function starting from left.

#include <math.h>

  RETURN_VALUE(pow, double, BIND_VALUE_ARG(double, 0), BIND_VALUE_ARG(double, 1))

double* number(double value) {
  double* number = gc_malloc(sizeof *number);
  return number ? (*number = value, number) : NULL;

function_t* binary_power = bind_args(power, number(2));

*(double*) call(binary_power, number(3)) == 8; // i.e. 2 ^ 3 == 8

map / map_fn

list_t* map(function_t* fn, list_t* list)
extern function_t* map_fn

Is a higher-order function in both plain/first class forms map/map_fn. It applies a given function fn to each element of a list and return a list of results in the same order.

int square_int_number(int x) {
  return x * x;

  RETURN_VALUE(square_int_number, int, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0))

int input[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
list_t* numbers = list_of(int, input, input + 3);
function_t* compute_squares = bind_args(map_fn, square_number);

map(square_number, numbers);          // --> list(1, 4, 9)
call(map_fn, square_number, numbers); // --> list(1, 4, 9)
call(compute_squares, numbers);       // --> list(1, 4, 9)

filter / filter_fn

list_t* filter(function_t* predicate, list_t* list)
extern function_t* filter_fn

Is a higher-order function in both plain/first class forms filter/filter_fn. It applies predicate function to each element of a list and return a list of elements for which given predicate return true. Order of elements is preserved.

bool is_even_int(int x) {
  return x % 2 == 0;

  RETURN_VALUE(is_even_int, bool, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0))

int input[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
list_t* numbers = list_of(int, input, input + 6);
function_t* select_even = bind_args(filter_fn, is_even);

filter(is_even, numbers);           // --> list(2, 4, 6)
call(filter_fn, is_even, numbers);  // --> list(2, 4, 9)
call(select_even, numbers);         // --> list(2, 4, 9)

fold / fold_fn

void* fold(function_t* reducer, void* seed, list_t* list)
extern function_t* fold_fn

Is a higher-order function in both plain/first class forms fold/fold_fn. It reduces elements of a list to a single value by recursive application of reducer. Reducer has to have next signature.

<return_type> reducer(<return_type> accumulator, <list_element_type> value) {
  return ...

// example: reduce list of ints to some boolean value
bool reducer(bool accumulator, int value) {
  return bool && (value < 10);

// example: reduce list of strings to list of persons
list_t* reducer(list_t* accumulator, char* name) {
  persont_t* person = person(name, "second name is unkown");
  return cons(person, accumulator);

First time the reducer is called accumulator argument points to seed value. All subsequent application of reducer has accumulator value equal to one returned from previous step. Reducer applied to list elements from left to right.

int* number(int value) {
  int* number = gc_malloc(sizeof *number);
  return number ? (*number = value, number) : NULL;

int add_two_ints(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

  RETURN_VALUE(add_two_ints, int, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0), BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 1))

int input[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
list_t* numbers = list_of(int, input, input + 6);
function_t* sum = bind_args(fold_fn, add, number(0));

*(int*) fold(add, number(0), numbers)          == 21;
*(int*) call(fold_fn, add, number(0), numbers) == 21;
*(int*) call(sum, numbers)                     == 21;


#define range(...)

Is a arithmetic progressions list constructor macros. It takes start/stop and optionally step parameters and return list of monotonically increasing int numbers. Result is left closed interval i.e. [start, stop).

range(-2, 3);    // --> list(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2)
range(0, 10, 2); // --> list( 0,  2, 4, 6, 8)


#define compose(...)

Is a function composition macros compose(fn0, fn1, ..., fnn-1, fnn). It construct function that when applied pass return value of fnn as input for fnn-1 and so on through functions chain.

int* number(int value) {
  int* number = gc_malloc(sizeof *number);
  return number ? (*number = value, number) : NULL;

int multiple_of_ten_int(int x) {
  return 10 * x;

  RETURN_VALUE(multiple_of_ten_int, int, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0))

int increment_int(int x) {
  return x + 1;

  RETURN_VALUE(increment_int, int, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0))

function_t* computation = compose(

*(int*) call(computation, number(3)) == 40; // --> multiple_of_ten(increment(3)) == 10 * (3 + 1) == 40

Practical sample

int* number(int value) {
  int* number = gc_malloc(sizeof *number);
  return number ? (*number = value, number) : NULL;

bool is_positive_int(int x) {
  return x > 0;

int add_ints(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

  RETURN_VALUE(is_positive_int, bool, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0))

  RETURN_VALUE(add_ints, int, BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 0), BIND_VALUE_ARG(int, 1))

list_t* money_transfer_by_days = list(
  list(number(0), number(-10), number(3)),
  list(number(0), number(-10), number(3), number(-10), number(3)),
  list(number(0), number(-10)),

function_t* sum = bind_args(fold_fn, add, number(0));
function_t* select_income = bind_args(filter_fn, is_positive);

function_t* earned_money = compose(
  bind_args(map_fn, compose(sum, select_income)) 

*(int*) call(earned_money, money_transfer_by_days) == 9;


Lightweight C library for functional programming.







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