FFEOJAP is a tool integrable into CI loop to detect and track performance issues. The framework will provide solution for following questions:
- How do I find performance issues?
- How do I narrow down the root cause of the performance issue?
- How do I validate the effectiveness of the fix
- How do I make sure the fix does not affect other parts of the system in negative way.
Version 0.0.1
Following dependencies are required:
- JDK 7
- Maven 3
- Elasticsearch (Running locally. Accessible on port 9200) ES 2.3 download
Run an example application Petclinic
#!command line (windows)
git clone https://bitbucket.org/viktor_reinok/petclinic.git
cd petclinic
mvn clean tomcat7:run
#!command line (windows)
# new shell session
git clone https://bitbucket.org/viktor_reinok_thesis_team/thesis.git
cd thesis
mvn -pl load-generator -am package assembly:single -DskipTests -P load-generator-build-profile
cd load-generator/target
java -jar load-generator-jar-with-dependencies.jar 0000
#!command line (windows)
mvn -pl analyzer -am package assembly:single -DskipTests -P data-analyzer-build-profile
cd analyzer/target
java -jar analyzer-jar-with-dependencies.jar
#!command line (windows)
# stop existing deployed instance of Petclinic
git checkout abc4b24337c8fce97aa557620b8ad8d7e047a49a -f
mvn clean tomcat7:run
#!command line (windows)
# back in thesis shell
mvn -pl load-generator -am package assembly:single -DskipTests -P load-generator-build-profile
cd load-generator/target
java -jar load-generator-jar-with-dependencies.jar 0001
#!command line (windows)
mvn -pl analyzer -am package assembly:single -DskipTests -P data-analyzer-build-profile
cd analyzer/target
java -jar analyzer-jar-with-dependencies.jar