This repo contains the code based on Intel's OpenVINO Optimization for Lidar Based 3D object detection to be run on Intel NCS2 Devices. The repo is based on the intel implementation here.
Navigate to tools folder and run the file as follows :
python --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml
is a clear, simple, self-contained open source project for LiDAR-based 3D object detection.
It is also the official code release of [PointRCNN]
, [Part-A^2 net]
and [PV-RCNN]
Based on the Camera / Lidar Data from the KiTTi Dataset, we will preprocess the data using the YoLo Object detection module and Point Cloud Library (PCL) object detection module correspondingly in parallel. The PCL Object detection will occur on NCS2 Intel Stick and 3D bounding boxes will be constructed. Based on the overlapping threshold of 3D PCL bounding box and 2D YoLo bounding box final results are produced.
- We faced
error while trying to load the model into Intel NCS 2. - Intel NCS 2 has a memory size of 2.5 MB. The point pillars model was large and this could not fit in the NCS device.
- Decreased the number of stacked Pointpillars voxels gradually from 12000 to 100 in steps.
- After reducing the number of pointpillar features (voxels), we were able to fit the IR (intermediate representation) model into the Intel NCS2 Device! Although this meant a performance issue which we will see next.
- We used the github link from intels repository as reference for the implementation.
- We prepared the dataset as mentioned in the Smallmunich repo to create the reduced version of the dataset from kitti dataset.
- Code modified to optimize for Intel NCS2 Myriad stick as the code supports only intel CPUs and GPUs.
- We will be using pointpillars pretrained model from OpenPCDet repository.
- The model configuration can be seen in the pointpillar.yaml file.
- As you can see from the file, the NMS threshold for 3D bounding box is set to 0.1 and learning rate is set to 0.003 with Adam optimizer.
- Train test split of 50/50 is used for the model.
Step 1: Install OpenVINO toolkit for linux as shown here.
Step 2: Configure NCS2 stick USB rules as shown here.
Step 3: If you have an existing model, you can use the Model Optimizer to convert the model to intermediate Representation (IR) to run on NCS.
Step 4: Output of the MO will be .xml and .bin files which contain the neural network weights and architecture.
Step 5: Use ‘lsusb’ command to check if the MYRIAD device is seen.
Step 6: We will use the OpenPCDet codebase to perform the MO for OpenVINO.
Online and Offline object detection outputs along with RAW video footage can be seen in the outputs folder.
FPS : 0.32
FPS : 0.66
We can see that the model performs well ~58.97 mAP (mean Average Precision for Car/easy and 26.06 mAP overall.
According to the KiTTi dataset, easy is characterized by large bounding boxes and less occlusion and obstacles for object detection.
As the complexity increases (small/ distant object with obstacles) or for less common objects like cyclists - our model struggles to perform.
- Our model performs well for easy car scenes in the KiTTi dataset with a mAP of 58.
- This is a pretty good score considering we have significantly reduced the number of voxels/ features from 12000 to 100 in a stacked pointpillar to fit the model into Intel NCS Myriad stick.
- The overall mAP is however low (~26) due to the class imbalance in the training data - most of the scenes contain cars and the occurrence of pedestrians and cyclists are less.
- We will be able to fix this by using data imbalance handling algorithm like SMOTE algorithm.
- LiDAR detects all the obstacles, and we can see a lot of false positives – these can be removed/ optimized by tuning the inference by adjusting various parameters by running experiments.
- We will further tweak the model inference by playing around with NMS thresholds, number of features etc. to improve the model performance.
- We can see that the model inference time improves ~2x when another NCS2 device is added. This is possible due to OpenVINO optimization for multi stick configuration. We will experiment with more devices in the future as shows in EVA paper.
OpenPCDet :
Fast EVA :
Intel OpenVINO Pointpillars :
Nutomy Pointpillars :