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Saving images

Adwyzz (OLED Edition) edited this page Jan 22, 2022 · 5 revisions

Alright, so you got your Camera device, and you're listening to the OnFrame event.

Now you want to save them to a png or jpg file. How do you do that?

SeeShark is just a camera library and thus does not handle saving images. You can use ImageSharp for this.

Ensure that the camera frames are in a pixel format that is readable by ImageSharp, as SeeShark supports a wide variety of pixel formats that ImageSharp does not. This depends from camera to camera, so i'd reccommend Converting frames between pixel formats anyway.

Here I'll use the RGBA pixel format, compatible with both SeeShark and ImageSharp.

After installing ImageSharp using their docs, here's a modified version of their example code.

var frame = e.Frame; // Assume this is in RGBA for this example

using (Image<Rgba32> image = Image.LoadPixelData<Rgba32>(frame.RawData, frame.Width, frame.Height))