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The videu Web Frontend

Build Status

This is the source tree of the videu web frontend, as used in the FreeTube platform.

WARNING: This Is Pre-Alpha Software!

This application should not be exposed to the Internet because it is not stable yet.


Copyright © 2020 The videu Project. All rights reserved.

This software is licensed under the AGPLv3, see the LICENSE file for details.

Development Setup

You will need:

  • NodeJS >= 8.0 (and npm ofc)
  • a UNIX system (Linux, *BSD and Darwin should all work)
  • a decent IDE with TypeScript support (VS Code or Atom recommended)

You might be able to run it on Windows, but this is not supported and highly discouraged. If you absolutely need to, use the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Clone the repository, open a shell in the project's root directory and type npm i to install all dependencies. Copy the .env.default file to .env and adjust its configuration values as needed. Then, type npm start to spin up a local development server. You might want to run the corresponding backend server as well. NOTE: If the opened browser window is empty, you have to manually refresh the page once. That can happen if es-dev-server opens the browser window before tsc has finished building. You only have to do this the first time because es-dev-server is watching changes in the output directory of tsc.

You might also want to install the Redux DevTools browser extension.


The web frontend powering the FreeTube platform







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