Key Generation Service (KGS) that generates random six letter strings beforehand and stores them in a database
To generate the app.jar file it's necessary to have docker installed in your machine
./gradlew build
This task will up the redis docker database, execute all tests and build the app.jar inside build/lib folder
To run KGS through Gradle you can execute the task but before remember to have docker dependencies up and running so:
docker-compose up -d
./gradlew bootRun
In bootstrap KGS will generate all possible keys of length 3 (not six, for save time and space) and store them in redis.
You can get keys doing POST request to localhost:8080/keys_request endpoint with body:
"quantity": 10
And you will get as response:
You can build and image from KGS or use it from another project with
docker run --network=host victuxbb/tinyurlkgs
Keep in mind that KGS is pointing to a REDIS in localhost machine, this is enought for this POC.