#REST API on top of Cassandra database with hapi Nodejs framework
The goal of this project is to create a very simple REST API on top of Cassandra tables. In this example, services are created and used by users at a defined date. In coming versions there will be more Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise features like TTL and Spark usage. An interface is also planned to play with the API.
You need a Cassandra cluster running, for download and installation instructions http://planetcassandra.org/cassandra/
Clone all js files in a local directory
Install Nodejs : depending of your OS see https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/installation for installation instructions
Create your nodejs project
$npm init
Install hapi a server framework for builing application and services (rest api) for nodejs http://hapijs.com/
$npm install hapi -save
Install joi hapi plugin for object schema validation https://github.com/hapijs/joi
$npm install --save joi
Install Cassandra Nodejs driver from https://github.com/datastax/nodejs-driver
$npm install --save cassandra-driver
In your Cassandra cluster, create the keyspace and the table with CQL found in services_ks.cql file
Run HTTP Nodejs server
$node server.js
Test the REST API
- In command line with curl
Create a service
$curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"title":"The best service"}' http://localhost:3000/service/create -i
Add a user using this service
$curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"d0f60aa8-54a9-4840-b70c-fe562b68842b","user":"victor"}' http://localhost:3000/service/user -i
Get all users for a service
$curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/service/d0f60aa8-54a9-4840-b70c-fe562b68842b -i
Get all services
$curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/services -i
Delete a service
$curl -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/service/delete/c391b62c-5e72-4e5d-ae74-6a5acd0a3ac3 -i
With a Web browser
With a REST client like Postman http://www.getpostman.com/