Tiny syntax sugar around Elixir's with
special form.
Because I'm happy on how Elixir's with
special form works,
and can get used to the <-
arrow but I still dont like to
place commas between all the with expressions.
Back then before elixir 1.2 release, I implemented happy using case
expressions, it leaked variables as normal case expressions would do, and overriding the standard
operator turned out to have some unexpected issues. Also, after using standard with
a bit, I
really got to like it, except for the fact of having to place commas after expressions, so I wrote
which is a very tiny macro that just rewrites to Elixir's standard with
special form.
This package implements the tags feature originally found in happy_path
For more examples see docs
Available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
- Add happy_with to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
[{:happy_with, "~> 1.0"}]
import HappyWith
happy_with do
{:ok, friend} <- retrieve_friend
_ -> "nobody"
rewrites into standard with
Only the last expression in the happy_with block is given to with's do.
with({:ok, friend} <- retrieve_friend)
name = String.downcase(friend)
_ -> "nobody"
IMHO the first one reads better.
Rewrites the given block and else clauses into Elixir's standard with
iex> import HappyWith
iex> happy_with do
...> {:ok, name} <- {:ok, "joSE"}
...> lower = String.downcase(name)
...> lower
...> end
You can also provide else clauses to the with
iex> import HappyWith
iex> happy_with do
...> {:ok, name} <- {:error, :nobody}
...> _never_reached = String.downcase(name)
...> else
...> {:error, _} -> "luis"
...> end
You can also use tags a feature from the happy project.
iex> import HappyWith
iex> happy_with do
...> @something {:ok, name} when is_binary(name) and length(name) > 3 <- {:error, :nobody}
...> _never_reached = String.downcase(name)
...> else
...> {:something, {:error, _}} -> "could not fetch name"
...> end
"could not fetch name"