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The video-store module brings security camera functionality to your smart machine! The module consumes a source Camera and saves the output as video files on disk. You can then upload video slices to the cloud using the save command, or request the video bytes directly using the fetch command.

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine in the Viam app. Add camera / video-store to your machine.


Configure a Data Manager Service

Make sure to configure a Data Manager Service to upload video files to the cloud when saving video slices.

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine in the Viam app. Add data-management to your machine.


The additional_sync_paths attribute must include the custom path specified in the upload_path attribute of the video-store component if it is not under ~/.viam/capture.

      "name": <data_manager_service_name>,
      "namespace": "rdk",
      "type": "data_manager",
      "attributes": {
        "tags": [],
        "additional_sync_paths": [
        "capture_disabled": true,
        "sync_interval_mins": <sync_interval_minutes>,
        "capture_dir": ""

Configure your video-store component

Video store requires a Data Manager to be configured on you machine before it can be used. Use the "depends_on" dropdown to add a dependency on the datamanger configured on your machine.

Copy and paste the following attributes into your JSON configuration:

  "camera": "<source-camera-name>",
  "sync": "<data-manager-service-name>",
  "storage": {
    "size_gb": <int>

Additionally, make sure to add your configured data manager service to the depends_on array of your video-store component.


Attribute Sub-Attribute Type Required Description
camera string no Name of the source camera to read images from. If not provided, video-store will not save video.
sync string yes Name of the dependency datamanager service.
storage object yes
size_gb integer yes Total amount of allocated storage in gigabytes. If you reduce the amound of allocated storage while the storage exceeds the allocated amount, the oldest clips get deleted until the storage size is below the configured max.
storage_path string no Custom path to use for video storage.
upload_path string no Custom path to use for uploading files. If not under ~/.viam/capture, you will need to add to additional_sync_paths in datamanager service configuration.
video object no
format string no Name of video format to use (e.g., mp4).
codec string no Name of video codec to use (e.g., h264).
bitrate integer no Throughput of encoder in bits per second. Higher for better quality video, and lower for better storage efficiency.
preset string no Name of codec video preset to use. See here for preset options.
framerate integer no Frame rate of the video in frames per second. Default value is 20 if not set.

Example Configuration

  "name": "video-store",
  "namespace": "rdk",
  "type": "camera",
  "model": "viam:video:storage",
  "attributes": {
    "camera": "wc-cam"
    "sync": "data-manager",
    "storage": {
      "size_gb": 50,
  "depends_on": [

DoCommand API


The From and To timestamps are used to specify the start and end times for video clips. These timestamps must be provided in a specific datetime format to ensure proper parsing and formatting.

Datetime Format

The datetime format used is: YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS

  • YYYY: Year (e.g., 2023)
  • MM: Month (e.g., 01 for January)
  • DD: Day (e.g., 15)
  • HH: Hour in 24-hour format (e.g., 14 for 2 PM)
  • MM: Minutes (e.g., 30)
  • SS: Seconds (e.g., 45)

Datetime Example

  • 2024-01-15_14-30-45 represents January 15, 2024, at 2:30:45 PM.


The save command retreives video from local storage, concatenates and trims underlying storage segments based on time range, and uploads the clip to the cloud.

Attribute Type Required/Optional Description
command string required Command to be executed.
from timestamp required Start timestamp.
to timestamp required End timestamp.
metadata string optional Arbitrary metadata string.
async boolean optional Whether the operation is async.

Save Request

  "command": "save",
  "from": <start_timestamp>,
  "to": <end_timestamp>,
  "metadata": <arbitrary_metadata_string>

Save Response

  "command": "save",
  "filename": <filename_to_be_uploaded>

Async Save Request

The async save command performs the same operation as the save command, but does not wait for the operation to complete. Use this command when you want to save video slices that include the current in-progress video storage segment. It will wait for the current segment to finish recording before saving the video slice.


The async save command does not support future timestamps. The from timestamp must be in the past. The to timestamp must be the current time or in the past.

  "command": "save",
  "from": <start_timestamp>,
  "to": <end_timestamp>,
  "metadata": <arbitrary_metadata_string>,
  "async": true

Async Save Response

  "command": "save",
  "filename": <filename_to_be_uploaded>,
  "status": "async"


The fetch command retrieves video from local storage, and sends the bytes directly back to the client.

Attribute Type Required/Optional Description
command string required Command to be executed.
from timestamp required Start timestamp.
to timestamp required End timestamp.

Fetch Request

  "command": "fetch",
  "from": <start_timestamp>,
  "to": <end_timestamp>

Fetch Response

  "command": "fetch",
  "video": <video_bytes>

Local Development


The Makefile supports building for the following platforms:

Platform Architecture
linux arm64
linux amd64
darwin arm64

To build for linux/arm64, run the following commands:

canon -arch arm64

To build for linux/amd64, run the following commands:

canon -arch amd64

To build for darwin/arm64, run the following command on a Mac with an M series chip:



Run tests to ensure the module is functioning as expected with the following command:

make test


make lint

Package module

make module