DalFox is a fast, powerful parameter analysis and XSS scanner, based on a golang/DOM parser. supports friendly Pipeline, CI/CD and testing of different types of XSS. I talk about naming. Dal(λ¬) is the Korean pronunciation of moon and fox was made into Fox(Find Of XSS).
Mode: url
Class | Key Feature | Description |
Discovery | Parameter analysis | - Find reflected param - Find alive/bad special chars, event handler and attack code - Identification of injection points(HTML/JS/Attribute) inHTML-none inJS-none inJS-double inJS-single inJS-backtick inATTR-none inATTR-double inATTR-single |
Static analysis | - Check bad-header like CSP, XFO, etc.. with req/res base | |
BAV analysis | - Testing BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) , e.g sqli ssti open-redirects , crlf |
Parameter Mining | - Find new param with Dictonary attack (default is GF-Patterns) - Support custom dictonary file ( --mining-dict-word )- Find new param with DOM - Use remote wordlist to mining ( --remote-wordlists ) |
Built-in Grepping | - It Identify the basic info leak of SSTi, Credential, SQL Error, and so on | |
Scanning | XSS Scanning | - Reflected XSS / Stored XSS / DOM XSS - DOM base verifying - Headless base verifying - Blind XSS testing with param, header( -b , --blind options)- Only testing selected parameters ( -p , --param )- Only testing parameter analysis ( --only-discovery ) |
Friendly Pipeline | - Single url mode (dalfox url )- From file mode ( dalfox file urls.txt )- From IO(pipeline) mode ( dalfox pipe )- From raw http request file mode ( dalfox file raw.txt --rawdata ) |
Optimizaion query of payloads | - Check the injection point through abstraction and generated the fit payload. - Eliminate unnecessary payloads based on badchar |
Encoder | - All test payloads(build-in, your custom/blind) are tested in parallel with the encoder. - To Double URL Encoder - To HTML Hex Encoder |
Sequence | - Auto-check the special page for stored xss (--trigger ) - Support ( --sequence ) options for Stored XSS , only sxss mode |
HTTP | HTTP Options | - Overwrite HTTP Method (-X , --method )- Follow redirects ( --follow-redirects )- Add header ( -H , --header )- Add cookie ( -C , --cookie )- Add User-Agent ( --user-agent )- Set timeout ( --timeout )- Set Delay ( --delay )- Set Proxy ( --proxy )- Set ignore return codes ( --ignore-return )- Load cookie from raw request ( --cookie-from-raw ) |
Concurrency | Worker | - Set worker's number(-w , --worker ) |
N * hosts | - Use multicast mode (--multicast ) , only file / pipe mode |
Output | Output | - Only the PoC code and useful information is write as Stdout - Save output ( -o , --output ) |
Format | - JSON / Plain (--format ) |
Printing | - Silence mode (--silence )- You may choose not to print the color ( --no-color )- You may choose not to print the spinner ( --no-spinner )- You may choose show only special poc code ( --only-poc ) |
Extensibility | REST API | - API Server and Swagger (dalfox server ) |
Payload Mode | - Generate and Enumerate Payloads for XSS Testing (dalfox payload ) |
Found Action | - Lets you specify the actions to take when detected. - Notify, for example ( --found-action ) |
Custom Grepping | - Can grep with custom regular expressions on response - If duplicate detection, it performs deduplication ( --grep ) |
Custom Payloads | - Use custom payloads list file (--custom-payload ) - Custom alert value ( --custom-alert-value ) - Custom alert type ( --custom-alert-type ) |
Remote Payloads | - Use remote payloads from portswigger, payloadbox, etc.. (--remote-payloads ) |
Package | Package manager | - pkg.go.dev - homebrew with tap - snapcraft |
Docker ENV | - docker hub - gitub package of docker |
Other | - github action |
And the various options required for the testing :D
βΆ GO111MODULE=on go get -v github.com/hahwul/dalfox/v2
βΆ brew tap hahwul/dalfox
βΆ brew install dalfox
βΆ sudo snap install dalfox
More information? please read Installation guide
file Use file mode(targets list or rawdata)
help Help about any command
payload Payload mode, make and enum payloads
pipe Use pipeline mode
server Start API Server
sxss Use Stored XSS mode
url Use single target mode
version Show version
Global Flags:
-b, --blind string Add your blind xss
* Example: -b hahwul.xss.ht
--config string Using config from file
-C, --cookie string Add custom cookie
--cookie-from-raw string Load cookie from burp raw http request
* Example: --cookie-from-raw request.txt
--custom-alert-type string Change alert value type
* Example: --custom-alert-type=none / --custom-alert-type=str,none (default "none")
--custom-alert-value string Change alert value
* Example: --custom-alert-value=document.cookie (default "1")
--custom-payload string Add custom payloads from file
-d, --data string Using POST Method and add Body data
--debug debug mode, save all log using -o option
--deep-domxss DOM XSS Testing with more payloads on headless [so slow]
--delay int Milliseconds between send to same host (1000==1s)
-F, --follow-redirects Following redirection
--format string Stdout output format
* Supported: plain / json (default "plain")
--found-action string If found weak/vuln, action(cmd) to next
* Example: --found-action='./notify.sh'
--found-action-shell string Select shell application for --found-action (default "bash")
--grep string Using custom grepping file
* Example: --grep ./samples/sample_grep.json
-H, --header string Add custom headers
-h, --help help for dalfox
--ignore-return string Ignore scanning from return code
* Example: --ignore-return 302,403,404
-X, --method string Force overriding HTTP Method
* Example: -X PUT (default "GET")
--mining-dict Find new parameter with dictionary attack, default is Gf-Patterns=>XSS (default true)
-W, --mining-dict-word string Custom wordlist file for param mining
* Example: --mining-dict-word word.txt
--mining-dom Find new parameter in DOM (attribute/js value) (default true)
--no-color Not use colorize
--no-spinner Not use spinner
--only-custom-payload Only testing custom payload (required --custom-payload)
--only-discovery Only testing parameter analysis (same '--skip-xss-scanning' option)
--only-poc string Shows only the PoC code for the specified pattern (g: grep / r: reflected / v: verified)
-o, --output string Write to output file (By default, only the PoC code is saved)
--output-all All log write mode (-o or stdout)
-p, --param string Only testing selected parameters
--proxy string Send all request to proxy server
* Example: --proxy
--remote-payloads string Using remote payload for XSS testing
* Supported: portswigger/payloadbox
* Example: --remote-payloads=portswigger,payloadbox
--remote-wordlists string Using remote wordlists for param mining
* Supported: burp/assetnote
* Example: --remote-wordlists=burp
-S, --silence Not printing all logs
--skip-bav Skipping BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysis
--skip-grepping Skipping built-in grepping
--skip-headless Skipping headless browser base scanning[DOM XSS and inJS verify]
--skip-mining-all Skipping ALL parameter mining
--skip-mining-dict Skipping Dict base parameter mining
--skip-mining-dom Skipping DOM base parameter mining
--skip-xss-scanning Skipping XSS Scanning (same '--only-discovery' option)
--timeout int Second of timeout (default 10)
--user-agent string Add custom UserAgent
-w, --worker int Number of worker (default 100)
Server Flags:
-h, --help help for server
--host string Bind address (default "")
--port int Bind Port (default 6664)
Pipe Flags:
-h, --help help for pipe
--mass Parallel scanning N*Host mode (show only poc code)
--mass-worker int Parallel worker of --mass and --multicast option (default 10)
--multicast Parallel scanning N*Host mode (show only poc code)
File Flags:
-h, --help help for file
--http Using force http on rawdata mode
--mass Parallel scanning N*Host mode (show only poc code)
--mass-worker int Parallel worker of --mass and --multicast option (default 10)
--multicast Parallel scanning N*Host mode (show only poc code)
--rawdata Using req rawdata from Burp/ZAP
SXSS Flags:
-h, --help help for sxss
--sequence int Set sequence to first number
* Example: --trigger=https://~/view?no=SEQNC --sequence=3 (default -1)
--trigger string Checking this url after inject sxss code
* Example: --trigger=https://~~/profile
Payload Flags:
--encoder-url Encoding output [URL]
--entity-event-handler Enumerate a event handlers for xss
--entity-gf Enumerate a gf-patterns xss params
--entity-special-chars Enumerate a special chars for xss
--entity-useful-tags Enumerate a useful tags for xss
--enum-attr Enumerate a in-attr xss payloads
--enum-common Enumerate a common xss payloads
--enum-html Enumerate a in-html xss payloads
--enum-injs Enumerate a in-js xss payloads
-h, --help help for payload
--make-bulk Make bulk payloads for stored xss
--remote-payloadbox Enumerate a payloadbox's xss payloads
--remote-portswigger Enumerate a portswigger xss cheatsheet payloads
βΆ dalfox [mode] [flags] [data]
Single target mode
βΆ dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php\?cat\=123\&artist\=123\&asdf\=ff -b https://hahwul.xss.ht
Multiple target mode from file
βΆ dalfox file urls_file --custom-payload ./mypayloads.txt
Pipeline mode
βΆ cat urls_file | dalfox pipe -H "AuthToken: bbadsfkasdfadsf87"
Other tips, See wiki for detailed instructions!
Sample poc log
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&asdf=ff&cat=123DalFox
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&asdf=ff&cat=123%22%3E%3Csvg%2Fclass%3D%22dalfox%22onLoad%3Dalert%2845%29%3E
Identity | Type | Information | BLANK | PoC Code |
POC | G | BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql/GET | http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&asdf=ff&cat=123DalFox | |
POC | R | GET | http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&asdf=ff&cat=123%22%3E%3Csvg%2Fclass%3D%22dalfox%22onLoad%3Dalert%2845%29%3E | |
POC | V | GET | http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&asdf=ff&cat=123%22%3E%3Csvg%2Fclass%3D%22dalfox%22onLoad%3Dalert%2845%29%3E |
- Type:
(Grep) ,R
(Reflected) ,V
(Verify) - Informatin: Method, grepping name, etc..
Why is there a gap? It is a method to make it easier to parse only the poc code through cut etc. For example, you can do this.
βΆ dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php\?cat\=123\&artist\=123\&asdf\=ff | cut -d " " -f 2 > output
βΆ cat output
package main
import (
dalfox "github.com/hahwul/dalfox/v2/lib"
func main() {
opt := dalfox.Options{
Cookie: "ABCD=1234",
result, err := dalfox.NewScan(dalfox.Target{
URL: "https://xss-game.appspot.com/level1/frame",
Method: "GET",
Options: opt,
if err != nil {
} else {
$ go build -o xssapp ; ./xssapp
[] [{V GET https://xss-game.appspot.com/level1/frame?query=%3Ciframe+srcdoc%3D%22%3Cinput+onauxclick%3Dprint%281%29%3E%22+class%3Ddalfox%3E%3C%2Fiframe%3E}] 2.618998247s 2021-07-11 10:59:26.508483153 +0900 KST m=+0.000794230 2021-07-11 10:59:29.127481217 +0900 KST m=+2.619792477}
![]() |
![]() |
Single URL Scanning | Massive(Multicast/Mass) Scanning |
![]() |
![]() |
REST API Server Mode | Output and Customizing (found-action / grepping) |