A flexible retry library for Elixir with composable backoff strategies.
OnceMore allows you to easily retry operations that may fail temporarily, such as network requests or distributed system operations. It supports both simple retries and stateful retries with an accumulator.
Add once_more
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:once_more, "~> 1.0.0"}
- Composable backoff strategies via
- Flexible retry predicates - specify precisely what conditions to retry
- Accumulator support - maintain state between retry attempts
import OnceMore.DelayStreams
# Basic retry with exponential backoff
fn -> make_network_call() end,
&match?({:error, _}, &1),
Stream.take(exponential_backoff(), 5)
# Retry with accumulator to track state
fn attempts -> {network_call(), attempts + 1} end,
fn result, _attempts -> match?({:error, _}, result) end,
Stream.take(constant_backoff(), 5)
# Common delay patterns can be composed:
50 # Start with 50ms delay
|> exponential_backoff() # Increase exponentially
|> randomize(0.2) # Add some randomization
|> cap(1_000) # Cap at 1 second
|> Stream.take(5) # Limit to 5 attempts
Full documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/once_more.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.