Various SQL tools
Commandline utility that dumps a SQL query directly to a CSV file.
Usage: sql2csv [options] [command]
-?|-h|--help Show help information
-v|--verbose Show verbose output
-C|--config <file> Specify configuration file
Use "sql2csv [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Usage: sql2csv export [options]
-?|-h|--help Show help information
-c|--connection <connection> The connection string
-i|--input <file> Input SQL script file
-o|--output <file> The output file
-q|--sql <query> Input SQL query
-S|--separator <separator> Specify the separator to use, default to ;
-e|--encoding <encoding> Specify the encoding of the output file, default utf-8
-Q|--quoted Specify whether values should be quoted, default to true
-l|--limit <value> Specify record limit count
-f|--filter <file> Specify filter file
-i|--index <col> Specify the column index or name to filter by, default 1 (first column)
Config file format:
"verbose": true,
"connection": "connection string - either named or explicit",
"script": "input SQL script file - mutually exclusive with query",
"query": "input SQL query - mutually exclusive with script file",
"output": "output file",
"connections": {
"con1": "named connection string 1",
"con2": "named connection string 2"
"format": {
"quoted": true,
"separator": "CSV separator, default to ; (semicolon)",
"encoding": "output file encoding"
"filter": {
"file": "file of filter values, one per line. only columns with these values will be exported",
"column": "the index of the column to filter by, default 1"