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veechs edited this page Jan 21, 2025 · 9 revisions

Each Bagshui Profile has two components: Design and Structure.

  • They can be mixed and matched per character and inventory (Bags/Bank), enabling things like:

    • Keeping a consistent look (Design) while organizing things differently.
    • Sharing organization (Structure) between multiple alts of the same class.
  • Default Profiles can be configured so new characters will either use the same Profile or start with a copy of it (like a template).

  • Keyring uses the same Design as Bags, but has its own layout (stored in the same active Structure Profile as Bags).

  • A few settings are not stored in Profiles, including window locking/anchoring, game integrations, and stock badge timers.


Defines inventory appearance (things like colors, sizing, spacing, item badges, etc.).

Managed through the Design section of the Settings menu.


  • Per-Group colors are stored in the Structure, not the Design.

  • Available item badges:
    • Stock change (new/up/down)
    • Unusable/Learned
    • Active Quest
    • Quality


Controls inventory layout, default Sort Order, and a few behaviors like empty slot stacking.

Managed via Edit Mode and the Structure section of the Settings menu.

Layout Hierarchy

StructureGroupsCategories ➜ Items


Categories vs. Groups

Even though many Groups in the default Structure share names with built-in (read-only) Categories, there's nothing intrinsically linking them. You can customize Groups to your heart's content, renaming them and adding/removing Categories as you see fit.


  • Any number of Categories can be assigned to a Group, but each Category can only be associated with one Group in a Structure. (In other words, when a Category is already part of a layout, assigning it a different Group is the same as moving it.)

  • Per-Group options:

    • Colors (Background, Border, Label)
    • Sort Order
    • Hiding the Group unless Show Hidden is toggled on from the toolbar or main menu
    • Suppressing the stock change badge


Open the Profile Manager from the main menu of any Bagshui inventory window or via the /bagshui profiles command.

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