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Android F2P game social engagement library. Part of The SOOMLA Framework - for virtual economies and mobile game design.


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This project is a part of The SOOMLA Framework, which is a series of open source initiatives with a joint goal to help mobile game developers do more together. SOOMLA encourages better game design, economy modeling, social engagement, and faster development.

The gist:

    //The example below uses Facebook provider, to use different provider change IProvider.Provider.FACEBOOK
    //to IProvider.Provider.Twitter or IProvider.Provider.GooglePlus

    // decide on rewards (here 1 "sword" virtual item) for social action
    Reward reward = new VirtualItemReward([id], "Update Status for item", 1, "sword");

    // optional reward on each action, select from available social providers
    SoomlaProfile.getInstance().login([activity], IProvider.Provider.FACEBOOK, [reward]);

    // after login, the user profile on the selected providers is available locally
    UserProfile userProfile = SoomlaProfile.getInstance().getStoredUserProfile();

    // on successful login event, you can perform actions on the provider
    // this will post to Facebook, upon completion, the user will get 1 sword!
    SoomlaProfile.getInstance().updateStatus(IProvider.Provider.FACEBOOK, "cool game!", reward);


November 16th: v1.0 android-profile supports Facebook, Google+ and Twitter

android-profile is an open code initiative as part of The SOOMLA Project. It is a Java API that unifies interaction with social and identity provider APIs, and optionally ties it together with the game's virtual economy. This enables to easily reward players with social actions they perform in-game, and to leverage user profiles.

SOOMLA's Profile Module


####Pre baked jars in one zip file:

android-profile v1.2.3

From sources:

  • Clone this repository recursively: git clone --recursive
  • Run ./build_all from project directory
  • Take created binaries from build directory and use it!

Getting Started (With sources)

  1. From the downloaded zip, Add the following jars to your project.
    1. SoomlaAndroidCore.jar
    2. AndroidProfile.jar
    3. square-otto-1.3.2.jar
  2. Make the following changes to your AndroidManifest.xml:

Set SoomlaApp as the main Application by placing it in the application tag:

<application ...
  1. Initialize Soomla with a secret that you chose to encrypt the user data. (For those who came from older versions, this should be the same as the old "custom secret"):

     Soomla.initialize("[YOUR CUSTOM GAME SECRET HERE]");

    The secret is your encryption secret for data saved in the DB.

  2. Initialize SoomlaProfile


Note that some social providers need special parameters in intialization, you can supply them like so:

  HashMap<IProvider.Provider, HashMap<String, String>> providerParams = new
              HashMap<IProvider.Provider, HashMap<String, String>>();

  // Fill in the HashMap according to social providers

  1. Facebook - You can provide your custom permission set here.
``` java
HashMap<String, String> facebookParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
facebookParams.put("permissions", "public_profile,user_friends");
providerParams.put(IProvider.Provider.FACEBOOK, facebookParams);


> **NOTE:** You should not request all the possible permissions you'll ever need in your app,
just request the reasonable minimum. Other permissions will be requested, when they will be needed.
For instance, if you try to call `updateStatus`, SoomlaProfile will ask for `publish_actions` permission,
if your app has not got it.
  1. Google+ - No special parameters needed

  2. Twitter - Please provide Consumer Key and Consumer Secret from the "Keys and Access Tokens" section in Twitter Apps, like so: ```Java HashMap<String, String> twitterParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); twitterParams.put("consumerKey", "[YOUR CONSUMER KEY]"); twitterParams.put("consumerSecret", "[YOUR CONSUMER SECRET]");

    providerParams.put(IProvider.Provider.TWITTER, twitterParams); ```

  3. If integrating a virtual economy with the store module, please see android-store for store setup.

  4. Refer to the next section for information of selecting social providers and setting them up.

Cool, almost there, on to provider selection!

What's next? Selecting Social Providers

android-profile is structured to support multiple social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), at the time of writing this the framework only supports Facebook integration. We use the Simple Facebook project to support this integration.


Facebook is supported out-of-the-box, you just have to follow the next steps to make it work:

  1. From the downloaded zip, Add the following jars to your project.

  2. AndroidProfileFacebook.jar

  3. simple-fb-4.0.3.jar

  4. gson-1.7.2.jar

  5. Import the Facebook SDK for Android into your project and setup all the relevant information (Application ID, etc).

    1. For more information regarding this refer to Facebook SDK for Android

    2. SOOMLA uses Android Studio, in this case you can extract the Facebook SDK into your project folder and then it's simply a case of importing the iml file in the Facebook SDK folder into your project

  6. Make the following changes in AndroidManifest.xml:

    <application ...
        <activity android:name="$SoomlaFBActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen">


Twitter is also supported out-of-the-box, authentication is done via web view. Follow the next steps to make it work:

android-profile uses the Twitter4J library (v 4.0.2) to support Twitter integration

  1. From the downloaded zip, Add the following jars to your project.

  2. AndroidProfileTwitter.jar

  3. twitter4j-core-4.0.2.jar

  4. twitter4j-asyc-4.0.2.jar

  5. Create your Twitter app at

  6. Make the following changes in AndroidManifest.xml:

    <application ...
        <activity android:name="$SoomlaTwitterActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen">

Google Plus

  1. From the downloaded zip, Add the AndroidProfileGoogle.jar jar to your project.

  2. Follow Step 1: Enable the Google+ API and create a google+ app for Android.

    Note: Set the PACKAGE NAME of your google+ app to the value the package defined in your AndroidManifest.xml.

  3. Import google-play-services_lib project as module dependency to your project.

    Note: You can either download/copy the existing google-play-services_lib project located under google social provider libs folder or create one yourself.

  4. Add SoomlaGooglePlusActivity to AndroidManifest.xml as following:

    <application ...
        <activity android:name="$SoomlaGooglePlusActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen">
  5. Add the following permissions in AndroidManifest.xml:

      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS" />


As part of a login call to a provider, Soomla will internally try to also fetch the online user profile details via UserProfile and store them in the secure Soomla Storage Later, this can be retrieved locally (in offline mode) via:

UserProfile userProfile = SoomlaProfile.getInstance().getStoredUserProfile(IProvider.Provider.FACEBOOK) //depending on your provider

This can throw a UserProfileNotFoundException if something strange happens to the local storage, in that case, you need to require a new login to get the UserProfile again.

Rewards feature

One of the big benefits of using Soomla's profile module for social networks interactions is that you can easily tie it in with the game's virtual economy. This is done by the ability to specify a Reward (perhaps more specifically, a VirtualItemReward) to most social actions defined in SoomlaProfile.

For example, to reward a user with a "sword" virtual item upon login to Facebook:

Reward reward = new VirtualItemReward([id], "Update Status for sword", 1, "sword");
SoomlaProfile.getInstance().login([activity], IProvider.Provider.FACEBOOK, reward);

Once login completes sucessfully (wait for LoginFinishedEvent, see below on events), the reward will be automatically given, and synchronized with Soomla's storage.

The reward ID is something you manage and should be unique, much like virtual items.


In order to debug android-profile, set SoomlaConfig.logDebug to true. This will print all of android-profile's debugging messages to logcat.


The on-device storage is encrypted and kept in a SQLite database. SOOMLA is preparing a cloud-based storage service that will allow this SQLite to be synced to a cloud-based repository that you'll define.


If you want to protect your game from 'bad people' (and who doesn't?!), you might want to follow some guidelines:

  • SOOMLA keeps the game's data in an encrypted database. In order to encrypt your data, SOOMLA generates a private key out of several parts of information. The Custom Secret is one of them. SOOMLA recommends that you provide this value when initializing Soomla and before you release your game. BE CAREFUL: You can change this value once! If you try to change it again, old data from the database will become unavailable.
  • Following Google's recommendation, SOOMLA also recommends that you split your public key and construct it on runtime or even use bit manipulation on it in order to hide it. The key itself is not secret information but if someone replaces it, your application might get fake messages that might harm it.

Event Handling

For event handling, we use Square's great open-source project otto. In ordered to be notified of profile related events, you can register for specific events and create your game-specific behavior to handle them.

Your behavior is an addition to the default behavior implemented by SOOMLA. You don't replace SOOMLA's behavior.

In order to register for events:

  1. In the class that should receive the event create a function with the annotation '@Subscribe'. Example:

    public void onLoginFinishedEvent(LoginFinishedEvent loginFinishedEvent) {
  2. You'll also have to register your class in the event bus (and unregister when needed):


If your class is an Activity, register in 'onResume' and unregister in 'onPause'.

You can find a full event handler example here.

List of events

Full documentation and explanation of otto

Example Project

The android-profile project contains an example project which shows most of the functionality Profile provides, and the correct setup. In order to run the project follow this steps:

  1. Open the SoomlaAndroidExample folder in Android Studio (IntelliJ), it contains an IntelliJ project
  2. Setup SDK and out folder, if necessary
  3. Run the project

Facebook Caveats

  1. Facebook Application - You must create a Facebook application and use its details in your Profile-based application (with Facebook)

  2. Facebook ID - The Facebook application's ID must be used in your application, this information should be added to the application's strings.xml file, under fb_app_id (App ID). In the AndroidManifest.xml file add the following:

        <application ...
            <activity android:name="com.facebook.LoginActivity" />
            <meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="@string/fb_app_id" />
  3. Facebook Permissions - Profile will request publish_actions from the user of the application, to test the application please make sure you test with either Admin, Developer or Tester roles

Twitter Caveats

  1. Login method returns 401 error - this could be the result of a few issues:
  2. Have you supplied the correct consumer key and secret SoomlaProfile initialization?
  3. Have you supplied a Callback URL in your Twitter application settings?

Google Plus Caveats

  1. Did you set the PACKAGE NAME of your google+ app is the same as the package name in AndroidManifest.xml?
  2. Did you set the CERTIFICATE FINGERPRINT (SHA1) of your google+ app is the same as your debug.keystore or release keystore SHA1?
  3. Did you add google-play-services_lib as a dependency to your project?


SOOMLA appreciates code contributions! You are more than welcome to extend the capabilities of SOOMLA.

Fork -> Clone -> Implement -> Add documentation -> Test -> Pull-Request.

IMPORTANT: If you would like to contribute, please follow our Documentation Guidelines. Clear, consistent comments will make our code easy to understand.

SOOMLA, Elsewhere ...


Apache License. Copyright (c) 2012-2014 SOOMLA.


Android F2P game social engagement library. Part of The SOOMLA Framework - for virtual economies and mobile game design.







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