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Restifizer example

Welcome to Restifizer example.

It's a joint example project for modules:

It's a simple RESTful server, containing oauth2 authentication and example of usage a resource.

Getting started


This project needs MongoDB server to be started locally.


git clone
cd restifizer-example
npm install


npm start

It runs the server on port 3000.

e2e tests

In order to make ftp tests working you should have ftp server run on default port with access for anonymous user.

After you started the server, run the following command:

npm start

The test suite will be run and you'll see the results in console.

Try it

Open new Terminal window.

I use httpie ( as a command line tool to test the servers. You can use any, but all the examples are created with syntax of httpie. Anyway it's recognizable.

In order to get authenticated use the path /oauth.

http POST localhost:3000/oauth grant_type=password client_id=myClientId client_secret=myClientSecret username=admin password=adminadmin

In order to access to restricted resource try the path /users.

http POST localhost:3000/api/users username=test password=testtest Authorization:'Bearer xxx'

http GET localhost:3000/api/users/<id> Authorization:'Bearer xxx'
http GET localhost:3000/api/users Authorization:'Bearer xxx'

http GET localhost:3000/api/users?q=adm Authorization:'Bearer xxx'
http GET 'localhost:3000/api/users?fields=username,createdAt' Authorization:'Bearer xxx'
http GET 'localhost:3000/api/users?filter={"username": "test"}' Authorization:'Bearer xxx'
http GET 'localhost:3000/api/users?orderBy={"username": -1}' Authorization:'Bearer xxx'
http GET 'localhost:3000/api/users?per_page=1&page=1' Authorization:'Bearer xxx'

http GET 'localhost:3000/api/users/count' Authorization:'Bearer xxx'
http GET 'localhost:3000/api/users/count?filter={"username": "test"}' Authorization:'Bearer xxx'

http PATCH localhost:3000/api/users/<id> username=anotherTest Authorization:'Bearer xxx'

http DELETE localhost:3000/api/users/<id> Authorization:'Bearer xxx'


We really appreciate any contribution.


MIT License. Copyright (c) 2017 Fedor Shubin.


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