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Upgrading ActiveAdmin

Piers Chambers edited this page Nov 15, 2017 · 6 revisions

General Advice

If you are upgrading Rails be sure to review the Upgrading Rails Guide.

Do yourself a favor and make sure your test coverage is good before you start an upgrade.

Upgrading from ActiveAdmin 1.0.0.pre2 to 1.0.0.pre4

pre3 and pre4 were released the same day, Jun 30, 2016. pre4 has preliminary support for Rails 5.

Upgrading from ActiveAdmin 1.0.0.pre1 to 1.0.0.pre2

pre2 was released on Mar 11, 2015. No breaking changes.

Upgrading from ActiveAdmin 0.6 to 1.0.0.pre1

ActiveAdmin 0.6.6 released February 2015 supports Rails 3.2.14 with Ruby 1.9.3-2.2.

No gem releases were made during 2014. The following commits on master are suggested as intermediate steps during an upgrade. Review the, Gemspec, activeadmin.gemspec and travis.yml at each commit for more details:

edd1829 - 2013-11-11

Migrates from Metasearch to Ransack and adds Rails 4.0 support.

Use devise 3.5.1 and jquery-ui-rails 4.2.1

1fe5f4e - 2014-04-27

Initial support for Rails 4.1.

168d72e - 2014-07-12

Supports latest revisions of Rails 4.1 and 3.2

Use jquery-ui-rails 5.0 and inherited_resource 1.4.

70ad27c - 2014-10-24

Use formtastic 3.0, see Upgrading Formtastic

f.buttons changed to f.actions

default_actions changed to actions


Supports Rails 4.2

form_buffers removed. ERB form partials may stop rendering correctly, see stackoverflow. See also Undefined method safe_append= for nil.

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