University of Mumbai Java Mini Project
This repository holds common tools used for network analysis. Network scanners are specialized programs used to determine what the network architecture looks like and the processes happening under the hood. Since these tools help to characterize, in part, the amount of exposure of the hosts to potential external attacks, knowing their existence is a fundamental matter for network and/or security administrators. These scanners determine the IP address of the devices used, the open ports they have, and the devices connected to the same network. Moreover, as Network tools are also used by hackers, users need to know how they work and what possible weaknesses they exploit to be able to prevent unwanted scanning or at least to record each scanning attempt.
● Swing GUI builder has a huge arsenal of elements that could be used to create a JAVA application.
● Elements like program window, input fields, buttons, labels, output field were made using JAVA Swing.
● Swing GUI maker makes it easier to edit the elements of the program by just double clicking it.
● It provides granular control for the elements that can be added into the applications.
IP Address Finder
Ping IP Address
Find All IP Addresses
Open Port Scanner
LAN Scanner
Default Gateway Finder
The tools need Java Development Kit (JDK) to be installed on the system which can be downloaded from here
git clone
cd network-analysis-tools