Clone the repo, open the project in Android Studio, hit "Run". Done!
JavaMail API uses Configuration file for email credentials and does sending part of the application. alternative(which I have commented out) is that if user wants to use third party applications like Gmail, then intent put methods could be used. internet access allowed in gradle.
JavaMail API is used for sending out email imported three jar file in android studio for JavaMail API, they are activation, additionnal and mail they have been put in app/libs folder and implementations are created in gradle
I loosely use the "Git flow" approach: master is the release branch - it should always be releasable, and only merged into when I have tested and verified that everything works and is good to go. Keep commits atomic and self-explanatory, use rebase to clean up messy branches before merging back into develop.
prerequisite: change email and password in Configuration file and allow external use of email is must(if using gmail particularly) Test : compose email from main activity Test : message sent/recieved successfully Test : delete the message from inbox Test : Archive Email