Lightweight library providing peer to peer CDN functionality
Want to contribute ? Feel free to send pull requests!
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For documentation (including examples), visit
$ npm install peer-cdn
"use strict";
import { PeerPlugin } from "peer-cdn";
if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
// since sw does not support WebRTC yet
// this is workaround to use it
// we use PeerPlugin on client side
const peerPlugin = new PeerPlugin({
cacheName: CachePlugin.peerFetch + 1,
timeoutAfter: 3000,
servers: {
iceServers: [
url: "stun:",
constraints: {
ordered: true,
// Set up a listener for messages posted from the service worker.
// The service worker is set to post a message to specific client only
// so you should see this message event fire once.
// You can force it to fire again by visiting this page in an Incognito window.
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
const request = new Request(;
// mock sw event wrapping request with object
const middleware = peerPlugin.getMiddleware({ request });
// run get method of a created middleware
.then(function (response) {
// return response to a service worker
.catch(function (error) {
// return response to a service worker
.then(function (registration) {
// Registration was successful
"ServiceWorker registration successful with scope: ",
.catch(function (error) {
console.error("Service Worker Error", error);
// import peer-cdn into service worker
const { CachePlugin, DelegatePlugin, NetworkPlugin, strategies: { ordered }} = PeerCDN;
const cachePlugin = new CachePlugin({ version: 1 });
// since sw does not support WebRTC yet we use PeerPlugin on client side
// and we delegate request to it with DelegatePlugin
const delegatePlugin = new DelegatePlugin({ timeoutAfter: 5000 });
const networkPlugin = new NetworkPlugin();
const cdn = new PeerCDN();
cdn.GET("/css/main.css", ordered,
// We need to register service worker events
// cdn.register() will add listeners for install, activate and fetch
// gaining required control
๐ License
This package is released under the MIT license. See the complete license in the package