This is the UUV's main repository running with ROS Noetic and docker containers. Please consider the host you would be working on before starting: 1) jetson tx2, 2) OS without gpu, i.e., iOS, ubuntu20.04 or windows, 3) ubuntu20.04 with gpu.
Running the workspace for the first time
git clone --recurse-submodules
Inside the /vanttec_uuv/dockerfiles/ directory you would find the next three options:
- ubuntu2004
- ubuntu2004_gpu
- ubuntu2004_jetsontx2
Each option contains a Dockerfile (image) and their respective create_container.bash, so please select the one that suits you the most and continue:
cd ~/vanttec_uuv/dockerfiles/{selected_option}
docker build -t uuv .
docker exec -it uuv /bin/bash
For the jetson tx2, the ZED SDK must be installed manually (other options don't require this step):
cd /ws/vanttec_uuv/src/dockerfiles/ubuntu2004_jetsontx2
# Manual installation of the ZED SDK
cd /ws/vanttec_uuv/
source ~/.bashrc
Are you working with the ZED on your laptop without gpu?
In this case, you would use the zed-open-capture project for manipulating the ZED camera:
cd /
cd zed-open-capture
cd udev
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
make install
Did the GUI was working and now isn't? Please use:
docker stop uuv
docker rm uuv
cd ~/vanttec_uuv/dockerfiles/{selected_option}./create_container.bash
docker exec -it uuv /bin/bash
- Connect xbox joystick controller
- In terminal:
ros2 launch uuv_control