az login # Login to Azure, use your Account
az account list --output table # Show your accounts
az account set --subscription <subscriptionId> # Set account to your Subscription.
az aks get-credentials --name vtch-kubernetes-blueprint --resource-group vtch-kubernetes-blueprint # Adds the cluster config to your kubectl config
kubectl get nodes # Lists the nodes from the cluster
kubectl get namespace # Lists the namespaces from the cluster
You can use kubectl to manually apply changes for testing
kubectl apply -f ./aks/cluster/templates/application-peer-authentication.yaml
For testing the whole cluster locally we added a docker-compose file which runs the FE, BE, Keycloak, Kafka and MariaDB
cd ./scripts/docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
npm install # Build
npm run serve # Run
./gradlew build # Full build including cloud functions
./gradlew :file-storage:build # Build file storage microservice only
./gradlew :persistence:build # Build persistence microservice only
# Run locally
./gradlew :file-storage:bootRun
./gradlew :persistence:bootRun
./gradlew build # Full build including backend microservices
./gradlew :functions:build # Build functions only
# Run locally
./gradlew azureFunctionsRun
Have a read at
Sample sealing of a secrert.
# Replace sealed-secrets-1614621994 by the controller name in the cluster
kubeseal \
--controller-name=sealed-secrets-1614621994 \
--controller-namespace=kube-system \
--format yaml <xyz-secret.yaml >xyz-secret-sealed.yaml