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scHPTM benchmark

This repository contains the code for benchmarking the quality of the representation of single-cell histone post translational modifications (scHPTM).

This is the companion to Raimundo, F., Prompsy, P., Vert, J.P. and Vallot, C., 2022. Best practices for single-cell histone modification analysis. bioRxiv, pp.2022-09..

We evaluate the effect of the following factors:

  • Matrix construction.
  • Quality control (based on coverage).
  • Feature selection effect (using HVG or coverage).
  • Role of number of cells per experiment (by downsampling).
  • Role of coverage per cell (by downsampling cells based on coverage).
  • Role of normalization used (RPM or TF-IDF).
  • Role of dimension reduction algorithm (using 7 standard single-cell epigenetics pipelines).

The evaluation relies on having a robust co-assay (either transcriptomic or surface proteins), and measuring how well the scHPTM representation conserves the local geometry that can be observed in the reference co-assay.

Building the original matrices

The original matrices are accessible in two formats:

  • .fragments.tsv: for Marsolier and Zhang. This is a raw format that contains the reads per barcode.
  • matrix.mtx: for Zhu, the data is already transformed into 5kbps bins.

Folder structure

In this analysis we decided to follow a simple folder structure:

  • All the data are stored under $HOME/data.
  • The matrices are stored under $HOME/data/matrices/$DATASET/$MARK/$CONDITION/$MATRIX_CONSTRUCTION
  • The embeddings are stored under $HOME/data/matrices/$DATASET/$MARK/$CONDITION/$MATRIX_CONSTRUCTION


  • $HOME: is your home directory (/home/username)
  • $DATASET: is one of PairedTag_Zhu_2021, scChIP_Marsolier_2022, scCutTagPro_Zhang_2021
  • $MARK: is one of H3K27ac, H3K27me3, H3K4me1, H3K4me3, H3K9me3
  • $CONDITION: is the in-silico experiment we did, unmodified data is the raw condition.
  • $MATRIX_CONDITION: is either the binsize (e.g. 10k) or the annotation used (e.g. GeneTSS).


We downloaded the following H3K27me3 scChIP data from GEO:

  • GSM5008855 MM468_DMSO1_day60_H3K27me3 [scChIP-seq]
  • GSM5008856 MM468_DMSO3_day77_H3K27me3 [scChIP-seq]
  • GSM5008857 MM468_DMSO5_day131_H3K27me3 [scChIP-seq]
  • GSM5008858 MM468_5FU1_day33_H3K27me3 [scChIP-seq]
  • GSM5008859 MM468_5FU2_day67_H3K27me3 [scChIP-seq]

The DMSO data are untreated MM468 cells, the 5FU data are trested cells before resistance to chemotherapy happens.

Using the web interface of ChromSCape we generated matrices for different binsizes (5kbps up to 1000kbps) in different analysis called MarsollierK27.$BINSIZE.

We also generated a matrix using the author annotation using the _peaks.tsv.gz files contained on GEO and called it AuthorAnnotation.

These R objects are then converted into language agnostic 10x formated data using the Create Marsolier.ipynb notebook, in that step we also filter regions known to have CNAs on this cell line, as well as filter barcodes (more than 3k reads, less than 15k reads, and keep 10k most covered regions). You will need to replace gamazeps with your username in that notebook.


The data is downloaded from GEO

  • GSE152020_Paired-Tag_H3K27ac_DNA_filtered_matrix.tar.gz
  • GSE152020_Paired-Tag_H3K27me3_DNA_filtered_matrix.tar.gz
  • GSE152020_Paired-Tag_H3K4me1_DNA_filtered_matrix.tar.gz
  • GSE152020_Paired-Tag_H3K4me3_DNA_filtered_matrix.tar.gz
  • GSE152020_Paired-Tag_H3K9me3_DNA_filtered_matrix.tar.gz

And each is moved to $HOME/data/matrices/PairedTag_Zhu_2021/$MARK/raw/5k.

Afterwards, the data is rebinned using, here is an example command:

time python \
--input_path=$HOME/data/matrices/PairedTag_Zhu_2021/H3K27me3/raw/5k \
--output_dir=$HOME/data/matrices/PairedTag_Zhu_2021/H3K27me3/raw/1000k \

The authors have already filtered the cells, so we keep them all.


The data is downloaded from zenodo

Matrices are built in the same fashion as for scChIP_Marsolier_2022

The cell filtering is done by keeping the same cells as the original authors (see the `` notebook).

Building the preprocessing conditions

Feature selection

Feature selection is done using the filter_sce_features.R script, here is the usage:

mkdir -p $HOME/data/matrices/PairedTag_Zhu_2021/H3K27me3/filtered_hvg_90/1000k
Rscript filter_sce_features.R \
--input_path=$HOME/data/matrices/PairedTag_Zhu_2021/H3K27me3/raw/1000k \
--output_path=$HOME/data/matrices/PairedTag_Zhu_2021/H3K27me3/filtered_hvg_90/1000k \
--fraction_features=0.9 \
  • fraction_features: fraction of features to keep (0.9 for 90%)
  • mode: either hvg for Seurat's HVG selection, or coverage for keeping the regions with the highest coverage.

Cell selection by coverage

Note: you will need to replace gamazeps by your username.

Sample selection is done by using the filter_cells_quality.R script, here is the usage:

Rscript filter_sce_features.R \
--input_path=$HOME/data/matrices/PairedTag_Zhu_2021/H3K27me3/raw/1000k \

It will create the various filtered_cell_q_x_y (where the cells with coverage between x and y percentiles are kept).

Downsamples cells

Note: you will need to replace gamazeps by your username.

Downsampling the cellls at random is done by using the sample_cells.R script, here is the usage:

Rscript sample_cells.R \
--input_path=$HOME/data/matrices/PairedTag_Zhu_2021/H3K27me3/raw/1000k \

It will create the various sampled_cell_p_x, where x is the percentage of cells kept.

Running and evaluating the methods

Building the embeddings

All the scripts assume that the data is stored in 10x mtx format.

time Rscript R_analysis.R \
--input_path=$HOME/data/matrices/scCutTagPro_Zhang_2021/H3K4me3/raw/50 \
time python3 \
--input_path=$HOME/data/matrices/scCutTagPro_Zhang_2021/H3K4me3/raw/50 \
time python3 \
--input_path=$HOME/data/matrices/scCutTagPro_Zhang_2021/H3K4me3/raw/50 \
time python3 \
--input_path=$HOME/data/matrices/scCutTagPro_Zhang_2021/H3K4me3/raw/50 \

The embeddings will be stored in the output_path, each embeddin is stored in a .csv file named after the method.

Compute the scores

All the metrics will be stored in $HOME/data/scores/DATASET/MARK/MATRIX_CONSTRUCTION

The script will attempt to compute the neighborhood score for all the different matrix construction for a given mark, dataset and preporcessing.

  • The gt_path is the adt extracted from the .rds object for scCUT&Tag, and the mode is ADT.
  • The gt_path is the scRNA-seq matrix downloaded from GEO for the PairedTag, and the mode is RNA.
python3 \
--output_path=$HOME/data/scores/scCutTagPro_Zhang_2021/H3K4me3/raw/  \
--embeddings_path=$HOME/data/embeddings/scCutTagPro_Zhang_2021/H3K4me3/raw/ \
--mode=ADT \

The supervised metrics require an input 'ground truth' which is:

  • meta.tsv from geo for Pairedtag
  • The author annotation in the .rds files for scCut&TagPro
  • Any matrix of the same mark for scChIP
time python3 '
--output_path=$HOME/data/scores/scCutTagPro_Zhang_2021/H3K4me1/raw/20k '
--embeddings_path=$HOME/data/embeddings/scCutTagPro_Zhang_2021/H3K4me1/raw/20k '


  • All the scores are stored under data/scores.
  • All the runtime informations are stored in the logs folder.

The analysis colab is scCUTTag_analysis.ipynb.

Original code

This code is based on a fork of the work originally done at Google, whose source can be found here.


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