I am Valentin Furmanek, a passionate software engineer constantly creating new tools to solve problems!
- portfolio β Personal portfolio, live at https://valfur.fr.
- votes-data β Data visualization project (POC) about elections in France.
- 42cal β An iCal API to see upcoming events at 42 in a calendar, live at https://42cal.valfur.fr (API).
- swile-planner β A tool to plan the usage of meal vouchers credit on a Swile account, live at https://swile.valfur.fr.
- alekol-42 β Discord bot to automatically add or remove a role whether you are logged at 42 school.
- fleischel β Automatically leech latest Linux's ISO torrents.
- my-whole-server β Compose files for all the services I host in my Homelab.
- home-assistant-compose β Compose files to setup Home Assistant stack at my home.
- homeserver-playbook β Ansible playbooks for my Homelab.
- dotfiles β Personal dotfiles.
- Lists β Primary block lists of The Blocklist Project.
- borgmatic-env-issue-860 - Reproducible issue for Borgmatic.
- nrwl-nx-build-dependencies-issue β Reproducible issue for @nrwl/nx.
- pzem-scrapper β A data scraper for PZEM devices.
- modbus-crc-calculator β CRC calculator for Modbus.
- maze-solver - Maze solving algorithms.
- Nonogram-solver β Solver for Nonogram puzzles.
- Skyscrapers-resolver β Solver for skyscraper puzzles.
- Mille-Bornes β A game implementation of the Mille-Bornes.
- snake β Snake game implementation.
- Roulette β Roulette game implementation.