The Xweather MapsGL SDK for Android allows a developer to quickly and easily add weather content and functionality to their android applications. It utilizes the Xweather API backend for data loading and is built on top of an object mapping system that efficiently loads requested weather content into third-party Android applications, greatly reducing the amount of code and development needed on the developer end.
-Visualizing real-time weather and geospatial data -High-performance layer rendering with OpenGLES -Customizable presentation and styling of weather and geospatial information client-side
View the latest installation and implementation details at Xweather under the Xweather Android SDK toolkit documentation.
The MapsGL Android SDK includes a demo application that showcases the capabilities of the SDK. To run the demo application, follow these steps:
- Android Studio Chipmunk|2022.3.1 Patch2 or later
- An Android 9.0+ (sdk 28)
- An Xweather account — We offer a free developer account for you to give our weather API a test drive.
- A Mapbox account
Before you can begin using the Xweather MapsGL SDK in your project, you will need to download the latest version of the SDK and ensure that you have the required Xweather API keys for your application.
Download the latest version of the Xweather Android SDK demo application
To use the Xweather API, you will need to have valid access keys. Access keys are obtained by registering your application/namespace. To register your application, log in to Xweather with your account and look for the "APPS" section. Don't have an Xweather account? You can get one for free here.
If you don't have a Mapbox account, you can create one for free at Follow the instructions to get a Mapbox API key.
Once you have your Mapbox Maps API account and Xweather client id / client secret:
In strings.xml:
<string name="mapbox_access_token">mapbox_secret_token</string>
<string name="xweather_client_id">your_xweather_client_id</string>
<string name="xweather_client_secret">your_xweather_client_secret</string>
You are now set to run the demo application.
Add the string resources above to your strings.xml. In addition:
In settings.gradle:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }
In AndroidManifest.xml:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COURSE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
In the app-level build.gradle
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.vaisala-xweather:mapsgl-android-sdk:v1.0.1'
Create a reference to your account:
val xweatherAccount = XweatherAccount(
Add MapsGL layers to the map:
// Example Sample Layer:
mapController.addWeatherLayer(WeatherService.Temperatures(mapController.service).apply {
with(layer.paint as SampleStyle) {
opacity = 1.0f
//Example Particle Layer:
mapController.addWeatherLayer(WeatherService.WindParticles(mapController.service).apply {
with(layer.paint as ParticleStyle) {
density = ParticleDensity.NORMAL
speedFactor = 1f
trails = true
trailsFadeFactor = ParticleTrailLength.NORMAL
size = 2.0f
Create your MapboxController:
binding.mapView.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener{
override fun onGlobalLayout() {
mapController = MapboxMapController(mapView, baseContext, xweatherAccount)
with(mapController) {
// Make sure to set Mapbox to Mercator mode:
Version: Chipmunk|2022.3.1 Patch2 or later
Android Gradle Plugin Version 7.2.2
Gradle Version 7.5.1.
Xweather API Signup
XWeather MapsGL Android SDK
Xweather MapsGL Documentation