chess and chess problem C++11 libraries with a demo program for finding solutions of chess problems (mate, selfmate, and helpmate) with cooks
(C) Martin Väth (martin at This project is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
This project was written within about one day (plus about the same time for testing/debugging) to train myself for a job interview in programming in C++.
I attempted to conform to the Google C++ style guide (1-2 exceptions are explicitly justified in the code). Parts of the code (like the data structure for handling castling and en passant rules in a quick manner) is inspired by a program which I once wrote for the Commodore C64 in 6510 assembler and addapted in 1991 for C; in 1992, I had slightly revised the latter, but since then I had never touched it. The documentation of this original program is in German, and it is available for download here:
However, the latter was only used for inspiration: The current code is an independent implementation, using concepts which I did not know explicitly (only somewhat vague) 30 years ago...
I did not want to spend much time with a sophisticated build system, so I just quickly adapted a variant of the build system for eix from
The mentioned chess libarary is written with speed in mind.
Note that if you compile normally, there is an enormous slowdown in the chess
library due to many asserts: Disable them to get the full speed, using e.g.
The library uses some techniques like managing lists of nonempty fields which the inspiring project had not implemented. Also it is simpler to use (e.g. it generates only valid moves; the old library had generated moves for which one would need to check separately whether the king is in check after the move).
The chess library consists of the files:
: the main header which also documents how the chess library is
: the implementation of the chess librarym_attribute.h
: auxiliary macros for compiler specific attributes to suppress/emit warnings or speed up the librarym_likely.h
: auxiliary compiler-dependent macrosLIKELY
for tests which might speed up the library
The library is written in such a way that it can easily be adapted for different field sizes than 8x8.
Also the chessproblem library is rather general:
: header and documentation for the chessproblem
: implementation of the chessproblem library
It is a general recursive multithreaded solver for chess problems.
There is no I/O: the output happens only over a virtual Output()
which has to be overridden if output is desired.
The demo program is kept relatively simple:
: the main function for initializing and calling the library
The usage of the demo chessproblem
is rather elementary and unix style:
Just the data can be entered over options and arguments (or stdin).
Then the output is printed, and the program exits.
Since chessproblem-2.5, the demo program depends for its output on the
See chessproblem -h
for further help.
When threads are killed by the kernel due to lack of resources, segfaults
can happen: You might need to increase system limits correspondingly
if you observe in the system logs that threads are killed by the kernel.
Originally this bug was conjectured to be a race, because it was never
observed with -j4
or less.
To mitigate this problem,
automatically decreases the maximal
number of running tasks to the result of std::thread::hardware_concurrency()
More threads than this number cannot improve performance, anyway.