Ensure Java 7 (or higher) is available on the system, verify with java -version
on the command line.
Install SBT: http://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Getting-Started/Setup.html
Check out the project:
git clone git://github.com/uzh/fox.git fox
cd fox
To generate the JAR file, run:
sbt assembly
To generate an Eclipse project, run:
sbt eclipse
Run the assembly
command according to the instructions above, then execute:
./fox.sh examples/movies.psl
to run the inferencer on the movies.psl
If there is no shell available, you can also run java -Xmx5000m -cp ./target/scala-2.11/fox-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.signalcollect.psl.CommandLinePslInferencer examples/movies.psl
The input to the system is a description of individuals, predicates, facts and rules in a domain-specific language for PSL. In the following we describe features of the DSL; you find an example file that combines them all in the examples folder (https://github.com/uzh/fox/blob/master/examples/feature-complete.psl).
It is possible to explicitly list individuals in a domain, and optionally assign them to a class. By convention, individuals are always lower-case names, in order to distinguish them from upper-case variables.
class Person: anna, bob
class Party: demo, repub
class Woman: anna
individuals: ufo
In this example, our domain consists of two individuals of class Person = { anna, bob }
, two of class Party = { demo, repub }
, one of class Woman = { anna }
and one individual without any class ufo
Classes are not mutually exclusive and the same individual can have multiple classes (anna
Besides explicitly mentioned individuals, Fox can automatically infer other individuals and their class from facts and rules.
For each predicate, you can specify the classes of its arguments:
predicate: retired(_)
predicate: professor(Person)
predicate: teaches(Person, Course, Person)
In the above example, the predicate retired
takes one argument of any class, while professor
takes one argument of class Person
. This means that in the grounding phase the only individuals that will be used to ground professor
will be those of class Person, greatly reducing the number of grounded predicates produced.
The same holds for teaches
, which takes a first argument of class Person
, a second of class Course
, and a third of class Person
You can define predicate properties such as functionality, partial functionality, inverse functionality and symmetry:
predicate [Functional]: votes(Person, Party)
predicate [Symmetric]: friends(Person, Person)
In the example above, the functional property on votes
means that the votes for different parties that a certain person can cast must sum up to 1. The symmetry property of married
means that for all individuals a
, b
, if married(a,b) = x
then married(b,a) = x
After the predicates definition, you can state some facts about your domain and their truth values. If the truth value is not set, it is consider to be 1.
fact: professor(bob)
fact [truthValue = 0.8]: friends(bob, carl)
fact [0.9]: !votes(anna, demo)
In our domain, bob
is a professor with truth value 1 and bob
is a friend of carl
with truth value 0.8. Although carl
was not mentioned as a member of Person
before, it will be inferred because he is the second argument in a friends
fact. Moreover, anna
does not (negation !
) vote for demo
with truth value 0.9 (you can omit truthValue
), which means votes(anna,demo)=0.1
The most important part of modeling a domain are the rules, which are Horn rules with disjunctive heads, i.e. rules of the form
B1 && ... && Bn => H1 || ... || Hm
where Hi for i=1, ..., m
are literals, Bj for j=1, ..., n
are atoms and the symbols &&, || and => represent conjunction, disjunction and implication.
In the following example, the upper-case names represent the variables in the rules:
rule [weight=5]: votes(A,P) && friends(A,B) => votes(B,P)
rule [3, distanceMeasure = linear]: young(P) => !retired(P)
rule: professor(P) => EXISTS [C,S] teaches(P,C,S) || retired(P)
Each rule can have an associated weight that represents how strict it is and an associated distance measure (e.g. linear, squared) that describes the shape of the penalty function for breaking this rule.
There is also the existential quantifier EXISTS [variables]
, which can only appear in the head. Moreover, if the weight is not specified, the rule is considered to be a hard rule.