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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

File storage API

This project shows File storage API.


Api consists of three classes: Register, LogIn and UsersData:

  • Register class is responsible for user registration;
  • LogIn class is responsible for identifying the user in the database's database system;
  • UsersData class is responsible for all the work with files and user directories.

Getting started.

This API works with Python 2.7

In order to start using the API, you need to download it to your project.

$ git clone
$ cd File-Storage-API
$ pip install -r requirements.txt 

All the necessary libraries for the API are installed.

Api works with the MongoDB database on the local computer. You need to install MongoDB to your computer. After installing the database on your computer and launching it, API is ready to work.

Class Register.

Register Class is responsible for adding the user to the database and obtaining the necessary information about the user at the time of registration, for further work. In this class 4 auxiliary methods and 2 basic methods.

Register Methods.

The two main methods are add_user and get_user_id.

Add user

The add user method adds a new user to the database, assigning it a unique user ID. If a user with this name and email exists, then this method will display an error message.

Use this method to add new user. On success, the ok is returned.

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
email String Yes Unique email
password crypt String Yes crypt password
tracking String Yes path user

Get user id

The get user id method gives a unique user number stored in the database. Use this method to obtain a unique user number. If such a user does not exist, the method will report this: This user does not exist.

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username

Class LogIn.

Login class is needed to identify the user on the system and update his data. The class contains 6 basic methods for dabot with the user.

LogIn Methods.

Login user

Use this method to verify the user in the database.

The method produces two messages:

  • "ok" - if this user exists in the database
  • "bad" - if this user does not exist in the database
Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username

Get pwd

Use this method to retrieve a user password.

The method gives the user's password if such a user exists, otherwise, the error message is printed - 'bad'

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username

Change password

Use this method to change the user's password in the database.

The method changes the password for this user. If this user does not exist, the method will display an error message.

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
password crypt String Yes New password user

Del user

Use this method to remove a user from the database.

The method deletes the user from the database. If this user does not exist, the error message will not be displayed. The program will work as usual.

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id

Change Email

Use this method to change email address from the database.

The method modifies the user's email address in the database. The method requires that in the email there are such symbols as '@' and '.'

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
new_email String Yes New user email

Class UsersData.

UsersData class is the main class. He does all the work with the user's files. Creates the necessary folders for storing files and updating them. All user files are stored in the directory that is in the directory variable, in the file. All folders for storing files are created in this directory. To change the directory for saving files, you need to change this variable in the file.

UsersData Methods.

The main methods of this class are create_dir_for_user, add_file, rename_file, del_file, find_files_in_dirs, create_folder, get_folder, get_dir, change_dir_name, delete_dir, delete_user

Create dir for user

Use this method to create a user by creating the user's root folder and adding the user to the database.

The method adds a user to the database and creates a user's root folder in the system, preparing for the user's further work with it. If successful, the motor returns None, otherwise it writes an exception to the console.

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id

Add file

Adding a file to the database and creating a directory to write it to the server.

This method implements adding a file to the database and creating directories on the server and directories for the user to store this file. Before adding the file to the database and saving it to the server, the method checks the file extension.

At the moment, you can save almost all files such as TEXT (txt, doc, docx, docm, dotm, dotx, pdf, xls, xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xlt, xltm, pptx, ppt, ppsx, pps, potx, pot, ppa, ppam), PICTURE (jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, png, gif, bmp), SONG (wav, mp3, wma, ogg, aac, flac) and VIDEO (avi, mkv, mp4, mpeg). If a file exists for a given user path, the method overwrites the file by changing its name.



On the server, the file is saved in folders created using the md5 algorithm.

The method returns a dictionary of the form

    filename: filename, 
    file_dir: file dir in system

Where filename is the file name in the database, and file dir in system is the directory where the file is located for further download.

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
filename String Yes User file name
user_dir String Optional If None - > saves the file to the root folder of the user

Reaname file

Use this method to change the filename.

This method implements the renaming of the file in the database and in the system along the way from the database.

This method for successful execution returns None, otherwise the error message.

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
user_dir String Yes User directory in which he will save the file
old_filename String Yes The name of the old file
new_filename String Yes New filename

Important. In the method, the filename is supplied with an extension and, if the extensions do not coincide the file to be modified, and the proposed file, the method will return an error message:

"You can not change the extension file * to an extension *"

Del file

Use this method to delete a file from the database and the system.

Delete a file from the database and the system. The path to the file is stored in the database.

On successful execution, the method returns None, if the method did not find the file in this directory, an error message will be displayed.

"There is no such file in this directory"

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
filename String Yes Filename
user_dir String Yes User directory in which he will save the file

Find files in dirs

Search all files in this directory.

Search for a file by directory, checking whether it's the user with using two identifiers username and user_id displays a file and its location, for downloading.

The method returns a dictionary of the form

    filename: filename, 
    file_path : file path in system 

Where filename is the file name in the database, and file dir in system is the directory where the file is located for further download.

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
user_dir String Yes The user directory in which he wants to see the files

Create folder

This method is used to create a new folder for the user.

Creates a folder for the user in which you can store data. This method is also creates dependencies between the rest of the folders, creating a "tree".

If it works correctly, the method returns None, if such a folder already exists in this directory, then the method returns an error message:

"This folder exist exist"

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
new_folred String Yes Name new folder

Get folder

Use this method to get all the folders in this directory.

Getting all folders with directories that are relative to the directory in which the user is located. You need to enter the full directory of the user's location and then the method will produce the following. Possible files with directories for the dictionary to go deep.

The method returns a dictionary of the form

    name folder: folder path

Where name folder is the name of the folder in this directory, and folder path is the path to this folder for the user.

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
user_dir String Yes Directory in which the user wants to receive folders

Get dir

Use this method to retrieve all the parent directories.

This method implements the submission of directories to the user in the format of the ordered dict The input is given the username of its unique number and the path to which it wants to get. The method checks whether there is such a path in the database and all parents with references to them, for further transfer to the user.

The method returns an OrderedDict of the form

    name directory: the path of this directory

Where the path of this directory is the path to each user's parent directory.

If the specified directory does not exist, the user receives an error message:

"There is no such directory"

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
pathway String Yes The way to which the user wants to come

Change dir name

Use this method to change the directory name.

You can change all directories except the parent "username". The new directory name replaces the old one in the database everywhere and gives None if all the actions are successful.

To change the name you need all the directories in which there is this directory and their replacement the name of the new user created by the user.

If the directory does not exist, the method will return an error message:

"Directory with this name does not exist"

If the user tries to change the feed folder, then he will receive an error message:

"This directory can not be modified"

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
old_user_dir String Yes The name of the directory you want to change
new_user_dir String Yes New name directory

Delete dir

Use this method to delete a directory.

Deleting a directory from the main cell and, if there are files lying in this directory, then deleting them from the database and the system.

The method returns None, if the selected folder does not exist, the method returns an error message.

"This folder does not exist"

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id
name_dir String Yes The name of the directory you want to delete

Delete user

The name of the directory you want to delete.

The name of the directory you want to delete.

The method returns the value None, if the selected user does not exist, then returns an error message.

Parameters Type Required Description
username Integer or String Yes Unique username
user_id Integer Yes Unique user id


File storage API.






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