A simple web extension which brings a few quality of life features to twitter/X.
Screenshots available on the Mozilla addons page
Copy as VX/FX/Custom Button
- Each tweet will display a button to copy the link to the tweet directly using VXTwitter, FXTwitter, or a custom prefix to allow for better embedding when sending on other platforms.
Image Save Button
- Shows a download button in the top left corner of each image, which saves the image in the highest quality available and with custom reversible filenames.
Video Download Button
- Displays next to the Copy as VX button on each tweet with a video or a gif, and clicking it allows you to save all media in that tweet with the same good naming scheme!
- Downloads videos locally with a fallback to opening them in a cobalt.tools tab if it fails.
Image/Video Download History
- Can keep track of downloaded files, and even prevent you from re-saving them if enabled!
- Can import previously downloaded files to keep track, and export downloaded files list to re-import
Hide various unnecessary buttons or tabs (such as premium, verified orgs, etc.)
Rearrange the buttons on tweets (like, reply, retweet, etc.)
Display bookmark button on enlarged image/video view
All of the above and more are toggleable with the extensions settings
Saved Image/Video Reversing
- Allows you to upload any image or video saved by this extension and retrieve the original tweet it was saved from.
Save Image Context Menu
- A right click context menu for all images on Twitter to save them, just like with the button
Firefox Desktop/Mobile (or Fennec)
- Install extension through the Mozilla addons page
Chrome or other chromium based browsers
- Download the "Chromium" ZIP from the latest release
- Unzip it into a known directory
- Visit chrome://extensions in your browser
- Enable developer mode (There should be a toggle present on the page)
- Press "Load Unpacked" or equivalent, select the unzipped folder