This project is part of clucene-bindings (
The lucene module is an extensive set of bindings around Lucene++ (
After installing, have a look at the samples and test folder to see how to create your first python-lucene++ app.
PyLucene users should find python-lucene++ very familiar, and there are very few changes necessary (see the section 'Porting your code from PyLucene' below)
Ubuntu packages are available from my ppa. To get them, run:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ustramooner
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-lucenepp
- You will need the following packages installed:
- python (I have only tested 2.6.6 so far)
- Lucene++ (get it from, or install the ubuntu package liblucene++-dev from ppa:ustramooner)
# cd <python-lucene++-dir>/python/
# python install
- It is better to use a package, so that you can remove it:
- # python bdist_rpm
- If you are on a debian system, convert the rpm into a deb
- # fakeroot alien --to-deb ls python-lucene++-*.rpm|grep -v src
Then install the resulting rpm or deb from the dist folder.
As long as your code runs on PyLucene 3, python-lucene++ will work with these changes:
- Director classes (overridable classes) are not called Python* (PythonCollector, for example)
They are just called by the real name. Also, some classes like PythonCollector have some convienience methods like collect(doc, score) which python-lucene++ doesnt currently have
- Attributes are used as follows: posIncrAtt = stream.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute)
- Locale.X doesn't work... java comes with a very extensive locale selection.
we have Locale("en_US.utf8") which is a thin wrapper around std::locale. It completely depends on what locale you have installed locally as to which locale will work. On linux you can type 'locale -a' to get a list of installed locales.
- There is no object.instance_(other). Use object.getClassName() == "OtherClassName"
If you want to make changes to the code, you will need the full source distribution, you can find that at You will also need cmake 2.8+ and swig version 2.0.1. Note that different swig versions are known to create changes that break the system. If you use another version, be sure to do a diff of what gets created before actually changing something
# cd <python-lucene++-dir>/python/
# mkdir build
# cd build
# cmake -DBindingLang=Python ../../
# ln -s
Note that the generated swig file is gigantic, and you'll need a fair bit of memory to compile. It would be ideal to be able to split up the file, but swig has not such option currently.
- Make python look for the module here since it's not installed.
- # export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`:cd ../ && pwd
- Testing
- You'll need python-unittest2 installed
- Run:
# python ../test/
Swig has a few bugs with Python Directors and smart_ptrs. As a result there are a few problems which you need to be aware of until these are fixed.
The Lucene objects do not store a pointer to the python object, as a result, using a custom class needs to be stored in the user's code.
This will fail (keep a MySimiliarity instane in scope instead) searcher.setSimiliarity(MySimilarity())
This needs to be fixed in swig
You MUST return the correct object type from a Director class. No casting is done from the result. So returning StandardTokenizer from Analyzer->getAnalyzer() must be cast to Tokenizer. Returning None will also fail badly
This needs to be fixed in swig