depextract 1.4.4
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @ashutosh887/depextract@1.4.4
Install via package.json:
"@ashutosh887/depextract": "1.4.4"
About this version
depextract is a CLI tool to extract dependencies from package.json.
Suppose you are trying to upgrade your project or create a new project with same dependencies as another project. Now, the first thing you might require is list of Production and Dev Dependencies.
To extract and generate a CLI Script based on your Package manager configuration, you may use depextract
npx depextract
- Open the directory where package.json resides
- Use:
npx depextract
- Select among the most suitable options:
? Select location of package.json (Use arrow keys) ❯ current directory another directory (provide path in next step)
- Select the package manager to be used for upcoming project (npm, yarn, pnpm, etc.)
- Generated scripts reside in
This project is under the MIT License