Po is Canvas's ops panda. In early 2017, upon his passing, his consciousness was uploaded to Heroku where he happily continues to help Canvas deploy and monitor their apps.
- Erlang 19.2
- Elixir 1.4.1
- PostgreSQL
- foreman
git clone https://github.com/usecanvas/po
cd po
mix deps.get
heroku config -s -a po-prod > .env
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
foreman run mix run --no-halt
There aren't currently any substantial tests in Po, but we do have Credo and
Dialyzer in place. Credo only checks that public functions are @spec
d, but
please @spec
every public and private function.
Sometimes things may get compiled without your environment, and Po won't even start. To fix this;
foreman run mix compile --force