Get the daily Bitcoin rate for the past 31 days.
Built in React with data fetched from the Coindesk API.
Data is sent to localstorage to prevent unnecessary data fetching if your data is up-to-date (historical rate is updated once daily).
Check it out on Codesandbox
The goal is to develop a personal project from scratch to master React by creating an app that fetches data from an API and displays the data variations. Scope of topics covered:
- Basic React concepts
- Fetch API
- Async/Await
- Objects to array method
- Flexbox (minimal)
- Inline styling with variables
- Date() object
- LocalStorage store/retrieve
List of improvements to make and features to add in the future:
- More ambitious bitcoin rates visualization
- RegEx work to display dates in Date column in a more user-friendly format.
- Add +/- daily rate fluctuation to graph.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Fork and run npm start
to run the app in the development mode.