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PlinkProxy for

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PlinkProxy is a small wrapper and INI configuration file around the plink command from the Putty suite of tools. It is meant to dig ssh tunnels and create socks proxies into various networks to cut down on excessive jump host hoping.

It was conceived in a corporate environment with many dispersed environments which were not directly accessible from the desktop. But the resources to be managed be it databases, middleware service and web services to name but a few, required graphical access to these resources.

PlinkProxy has been successfully used with FoxyProxy, DBeaver, WinSCP and FreeRDP over SOCKS5 and LDAP Admin, Apache Directory Studio over local SSH tunnel.

Runtime dependencies

  • 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows.

Support matrix

OS 32-bit 64-bit

ReactOS 0.4.14

full support

not applicable

ReactOS 0.4.15

full support

full support

Windows XP

no data

no data

Windows Vista

probably supported

probably supported

Windows 7

full support

probably supported

Windows 8

probably supported

probably supported

Windows 10

full support

full support

Windows 11

not applicable

full support

Legend: no support not supported; not applicable not applicable; no data no data; probably supported supported but not verified; full support verified;


This PortableApps project is in beta stage.



Since this is not an official PortableApp the PortableApps installer must be download first. Navigate to for a selection of releases.

Install via the Platform

After downloading the .paf.exe installer navigate to your platform Apps Menu ❶ and select Install a new app (paf.exe) ❷.

install newapp menu

From the dialog choose the previously downloaded .paf.exe file. ❸

install newapp dialog

After a short while the installation dialog will appear.

install newapp installation

Install outside of the Platform

The Packages found under the release page are not digitally signed so there the installation is a bit involved.

After downloading the .paf.exe installer trying to install may result in a windows defender warning.

info defender protected

To unblock the installer and install the application follow the annotated screenshot below.

howto unblock file

  1. Right click on the executable file.

  2. Choose Properties at the bottom of the menu.

  3. Check the unblock box.



Windows 10

The only supported build platform for Windows is version 10 other releases have not been tested.

Clone repositories
git clone
git clone -b patched
git clone
Build installer
cd PlinkProxyPortable
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Other/Update/Update.ps1


This is currently the preferred way of building the PortableApps installer.

For a Docker build run the following command.

Clone repo
git clone
Build installer
cd PlinkProxyPortable
curl -sJL | bash

Local build

Ubuntu 20.04

To build the installer under Ubuntu 20.04 Wine, PowerShell, 7-Zip and when building headless Xvfb are required.

sudo snap install powershell --classic
sudo apt --yes install git wine p7zip-full xvfb

When building headless run the below command starts a virtual Xserver required for the build to succeed.

export DISPLAY=:7777
Xvfb ${DISPLAY} -ac &
Clone repositories
git clone
git clone -b patched
git clone
Build installer
cd PlinkProxyPortable
pwsh Other/Update/Update.ps1
Ubuntu 18.04

To build the installer under Ubuntu 18.04 Wine, PowerShell, 7-Zip and when building headless Xvfb are required.

sudo snap install powershell --classic
sudo apt --yes install git p7zip-full xvfb
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
sudo apt --yes install wine32

When building headless run the below command starts a virtual Xserver required for the build to succeed.

export DISPLAY=:7777
Xvfb ${DISPLAY} -ac &
Clone repositories
git clone
git clone -b patched
git clone
Build installer
cd PlinkProxyPortable
pwsh Other/Update/Update.ps1