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This module implements Nick Conways's tri-state behavior for ZMK. This is a fork of Dhruvin Shah's original port. It adds a CI pipeline that tests compatibility with new ZMK releases and creates matching module releases.


To load the module, add the following entries to remotes and projects in config/west.yml.

    revision: v0.1 # version to use for this module and for ZMK
    - name: zmkfirmware
    - name: urob
    - name: zmk
      remote: zmkfirmware
      import: app/west.yml
    - name: zmk-tri-state
      remote: urob
    path: config


Tri-States are a way to have something persist while other behaviors occur.

The tri-state key will fire the 'start' behavior when the key is pressed for the first time. Subsequent presses of the same key will output the second, 'continue' behavior, and any key position or layer state change that is not specified (see below) will trigger the 'interrupt behavior'.

Basic Usage

The following is a basic definition of a tri-state:

/ {
    behaviors {
        tri-state: tri-state {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-tri-state";
            label = "TRI-STATE";
            #binding-cells = <0>;
            bindings = <&kp A>, <&kp B>, <&kt C>;
    keymap {
        compatible = "zmk,keymap";
        label ="Default keymap";
        default_layer {
            bindings = <
                &tri-state  &kp D
                &kp E       &kp F>;

Pressing tri-state will fire the first behavior, and output A, as well as the second behavior, outputting B. Subsequent presses of tri-state will output B. When another key is pressed or a layer change occurs, the third, 'interrupt' behavior will fire.

Advanced Configuration


Setting timeout-ms will cause the deactivation behavior to fire when the time has elapsed after releasing the Tri-State or a ignored key.


  • Including ignored-key-positions in your tri-state definition will let the key positions specified NOT trigger the interrupt behavior when a tri-state is active.
  • Pressing any key NOT listed in ignored-key-positions will cause the interrupt behavior to fire.
  • Note that ignored-key-positions is an array of key position indexes. Key positions are numbered according to your keymap, starting with 0. So if the first key in your keymap is Q, this key is in position 0. The next key (probably W) will be in position 1, et cetera.
  • See the following example, which is an implementation of the popular Swapper from Callum Oakley:
/ {
    behaviors {
        swap: swapper {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-tri-state";
            label = "SWAPPER";
            #binding-cells = <0>;
            bindings = <&kt LALT>, <&kp TAB>, <&kt LALT>;
            ignored-key-positions = <1>;
    keymap {
        compatible = "zmk,keymap";
        label ="Default keymap";
        default_layer {
            bindings = <
                &swap    &kp LS(TAB)
                &kp B    &kp C>;
  • The sequence (swap, swap, LS(TAB)) produces (LA(TAB), LA(TAB), LA(LS(TAB))). The LS(TAB) behavior does not fire the interrupt behavior, because it is included in ignored-key-positions.
  • The sequence (swap, swap, B) produces (LA(TAB), LA(TAB), B). The B behavior does fire the interrupt behavior, because it is not included in ignored-key-positions.


  • By default, any layer change will trigger the end behavior.
  • Including ignored-layers in your tri-state definition will let the specified layers NOT trigger the end behavior when they become active (include the layer the behavior is on to accommodate for layer toggling).
  • Activating any layer NOT listed in ignored-layers will cause the interrupt behavior to fire.
  • Note that ignored-layers is an array of layer indexes. Layers are numbered according to your keymap, starting with 0. The first layer in your keymap is layer 0. The next layer will be layer 1, et cetera.
  • Looking back at the swapper implementation, we can see how ignored-layers can affect things
/ {
    behaviors {
        swap: swapper {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-tri-state";
            label = "SWAPPER";
            #binding-cells = <0>;
            bindings = <&kt LALT>, <&kp TAB>, <&kt LALT>;
            ignored-key-positions = <1 2 3>;
            ignored-layers = <1>;
    keymap {
        compatible = "zmk,keymap";
        label ="Default keymap";
        default_layer {
            bindings = <
                &swap    &kp LS(TAB)
                &kp B    &tog 1>;
        layer2 {
            bindings = <
                &kp DOWN    &kp B
                &tog 2    &trans>;
        layer3 {
            bindings = <
                &kp LEFT  &kp N2
                &trans    &kp N3>;
  • The sequence (swap, tog 1, DOWN) produces (LA(TAB), LA(DOWN)). The change to layer 1 does not fire the interrupt behavior, because it is included in ignored-layers, and DOWN is in the same position as the tri-state, also not firing the interrupt behavior.
  • The sequence (swap, tog 1, tog 2, LEFT) produces (LA(TAB), LEFT. The change to layer 2 does fire the interrupt behavior, because it is not included in ignored-layers.


  • Nick Conway's original behavior PR.
  • Dhruvin Shah's module port.
  • Pipeline used for automated testing and releases.
  • My personal zmk-config contains advanced usage examples.


A ZMK module for tri-state behavior







  • C 98.8%
  • CMake 1.2%