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DEX pallet

Rust check


This pallet re-implements Uniswap V1 protocol for decentralized exchange of fungible assets. Please refer to the protocol description and smart contracts for more details not covered in this README. DEX pallet allows users to create exchanges (i.e. liquidity pools), supply them with liquidity (i.e. currency & assets), and perform trades (currency-to-asset, asset-to-currency, asset-to-asset). More information about this is contained in the Extrinsics section. DEX pallet also allows querying asset prices by custom RPC methods (see RPC section).

⚠️ It is not a production-ready DEX, but a sample built for learning purposes. It is discouraged to use this code 'as-is' in a production runtime.

Main concepts

  • Assets – Any transferable fungibles, also referred to as tokens.
  • Currency – The chain's main currency/token (e.g. DOT for the relay chain, ACA for Acala).
  • Exchange – A liquidity pool containing certain amount of an asset, and certain amount of currency. It allows users to swap this particular asset for currency or vice versa. The asset price (i.e. exchange rate) is established dynamically using the constant product formula.
  • Liquidity provider – An account which deposits certain amount of asset and currency into an exchange. Providers are incentivized by receiving a fee (percentage of all transactions) paid by traders.
  • Liquidity token – A transferable, fungible token representing an account's share in a particular liquidity pool. It is minted when liquidity is added to the pool, and burned when liquidity is removed.

Rust features/practises demonstrated in this crate




  • RuntimeEvent – The overarching event type.
  • Currency – The currency type.
  • AssetBalance – The balance type for assets.
  • AssetToCurrencyBalance – A type providing conversion from the asset balance type to the currency balance type.
  • CurrencyToAssetBalance – A type providing conversion from the currency balance type to the asset balance type.
  • AssetId – The asset ID type.
  • Assets – The assets type.
  • AssetRegistry – The liquidity tokens type.
  • WeightInfo – Information on runtime weights.


  • PalletId – Pallet ID. Used for account derivation.
  • ProviderFeeNumerator – Numerator of the fractional number representing liquidity provider fee. Should be lower than the denominator (fees cannot exceed 100%).
  • ProviderFeeDenominator – Denominator of the fractional number representing liquidity provider fee.
  • MinDeposit – Minimum amount of currency which must be deposited when creating a new exchange.



Create a new exchange. Deposit initial liquidity (currency & assets). Create a new liquidity token. Mint & transfer to the caller account an amount of the liquidity token equal to currency_amount. Emit two events on success: ExchangeCreated and LiquidityAdded.


  • origin – Origin for the call. Must be signed.
  • asset_id – ID of the asset traded on the created exchange. Asset with this ID must exist.
  • liquidity_token_id – ID of the liquidity token to be created. Asset with this ID must not exist.
  • currency_amount – Initial amount of the currency to deposit in the pool. Must be at least equal MinDeposit.
  • token_amount – Initial amount of tokens to deposit in the pool. Must be greater than 0.


  • AssetNotFound – Asset with the given asset_id does not exist or has total supply equal 0.
  • ExchangeAlreadyExists – An exchange fot the specified asset already exists.
  • TokenIdTaken – Specified liquidity_token_id is already taken by another liquidity token.
  • CurrencyAmountTooLow – Specified currency_amount is lower than MinDeposit.
  • TokenAmountIsZero – Specified token_amount equals 0.


Add liquidity to an existing exchange. The caller specifies an exact amount of currency to be deposited, a maximum amount of tokens to be deposited, and a minimum amount of liquidity tokens to receive. Emit LiquidityAdded event on success.


  • origin – Origin for the call. Must be signed.
  • asset_id – ID of the deposited asset. An exchange for this asset must exist.
  • currency_amount – The amount of the currency to deposit in the pool. Must be greater than 0.
  • min_liquidity – The minimum amount of liquidity tokens to receive. Must be greater than 0.
  • max_tokens – The maximum amount of tokens to be deposited. Must be greater than 0.
  • deadline – Number of the last block in which the transaction can be included.


  • DeadlinePassed – Specified deadline is lower than the current block number.
  • ExchangeNotFound – There is no exchange for the given asset_id.
  • CurrencyAmountIsZero – Specified currency_amount equals 0.
  • MinLiquidityIsZero – Specified min_liquidity equals 0.
  • MaxTokensIsZero – Specified max_tokens equals 0.
  • BalanceTooLow – Specified currency_amount is greater than the available currency balance of the caller account.
  • NotEnoughTokens – Specified max_tokens is greater than the available asset balance of the caller account.
  • MaxTokensTooLow – Specified max_tokens is too low to match the currency_amount. Currency and tokens need to be added proportionally.
  • MinLiquidityTooHigh – The amount of liquidity tokes which would be minted by depositing the specified currency_amount is lower than the specified min_liquidity.


Remove liquidity from an exchange. The caller specifies the amount of liquidity tokens to burn, and minimum amounts of currency and asset to receive. Emit LiquidityRemoved event on success.


  • origin – Origin for the call. Must be signed.
  • asset_id – ID of the withdrawn asset. An exchange for this asset must exist.
  • liquidity_amount – The amount of liquidity tokens to be burned. Must be greater than 0.
  • min_currency – The minimum amount of currency to receive. Must be greater than 0.
  • min_tokens – The minimum amount of tokens to receive. Must be greater than 0.
  • deadline – Number of the last block in which the transaction can be included.


  • DeadlinePassed – Specified deadline is lower than the current block number.
  • ExchangeNotFound – There is no exchange for the given asset_id.
  • LiquidityAmountIsZero – Specified liquidity_amount equals 0.
  • MinCurrencyIsZero – Specified min_currency equals 0.
  • MinTokensIsZero – Specified min_tokens equals 0.
  • ProviderLiquidityTooLow – Specified liquidity_amount is greater than the liquidity token balance of the caller account.
  • MinCurrencyTooHigh – The amount of currency which could be received in exchange for the specified liquidity_amount is lower than the specified min_currency.
  • MinTokensTooHigh – The amount of tokens which could be received in exchange for the specified liquidity_amount is lower than the specified min_tokens.


Exchange currency for asset. Optionally, transfer bought asset to recipient. The caller can specify either:

  • exact amount of currency to sell (input_amount) and minimum amount of tokens to buy (min_output), or
  • exact amount of tokens to buy (output_amount) and maximum amount of currency to sell (max_input).

Emit CurrencyTradedForAsset event on success.


  • origin – Origin for the call. Must be signed.
  • asset_id – ID of the bought asset. An exchange for this asset must exist and have sufficient liquidity.
  • amount – Amount of the currency and asset to trade.
  • deadline – Number of the last block in which the transaction can be included.
  • recipient – (Optional) account to transfer the bought tokens to.


  • DeadlinePassed – Specified deadline is lower than the current block number.
  • ExchangeNotFound – There is no exchange for the given asset_id.
  • TradeAmountIsZero – Specified currency or token amount equals 0.
  • MinTokensTooHigh – The amount of tokens which could be received in exchange for the specified currency amount (input_amount) is lower than the specified minimum (min_output).
  • MaxCurrencyTooLow – The amount of currency which must be spent to receive the specified asset amount (output_amount) is higher than the specified maximum (max_input).
  • NotEnoughLiquidity – There is not enough liquidity in the pool to buy the specified amount of tokens (output_amount).
  • BalanceTooLow – The available currency balance of the caller account is not enough to perform the trade.
  • Overflow – An overflow occurred during price computation.


Exchange asset for currency. Optionally, transfer bought currency to recipient. The caller can specify either:

  • exact amount of tokes to sell (input_amount) and minimum amount of currency to buy (min_output), or
  • exact amount of currency to buy (output_amount) and maximum amount of tokens to sell (max_input).

Emit AssetTradedForCurrency event on success.


  • origin – Origin for the call. Must be signed.
  • asset_id – ID of the sold asset. An exchange for this asset must exist and have sufficient liquidity.
  • amount – Amount of the currency and asset to trade.
  • deadline – Number of the last block in which the transaction can be included.
  • recipient – (Optional) account to transfer the currency tokens to.


  • DeadlinePassed – Specified deadline is lower than the current block number.
  • ExchangeNotFound – There is no exchange for the given asset_id.
  • TradeAmountIsZero – Specified currency or token amount equals 0.
  • MinCurrencyTooHigh – The amount of currency which could be received in exchange for the specified asset amount (input_amount) is lower than the specified minimum (min_output).
  • MaxTokensTooLow – The amount of asset which must be spent to receive the specified currency amount (output_amount) is higher than the specified maximum (max_input).
  • NotEnoughLiquidity – There is not enough liquidity in the pool to buy the specified amount of currency (output_amount).
  • NotEnoughTokens – The available asset balance of the caller account is not enough to perform the trade.
  • Overflow – An overflow occurred during price computation.


Exchange asset for another asset. Optionally, transfer bought asset to recipient. The caller can specify either:

  • exact amount of tokes to sell (input_amount) and minimum amount of tokens to buy (min_output), or
  • exact amount of tokens to buy (output_amount) and maximum amount of tokens to sell (max_input).

Emit two events on success: AssetTradedForCurrency and CurrencyTradedForAsset.


  • origin – Origin for the call. Must be signed.
  • sold_asset_id – ID of the sold asset. An exchange for this asset must exist and have sufficient liquidity.
  • bought_asset_id – ID of the bought asset. An exchange for this asset must exist and have sufficient liquidity.
  • amount – Amount of the assets to trade.
  • deadline – Number of the last block in which the transaction can be included.
  • recipient – (Optional) account to transfer the bought tokens to.


  • DeadlinePassed – Specified deadline is lower than the current block number.
  • ExchangeNotFound – There is no exchange for the given sold_asset_id or bought_asset_id.
  • TradeAmountIsZero – Specified bought or sold token amount equals 0.
  • MinBoughtTokensTooHigh – The amount of asset which could be bought in exchange for the specified sold asset amount (input_amount) is lower than the specified minimum (min_output).
  • MaxSoldTokensTooLow – The amount of asset which must be sold to receive the specified bought asset amount (output_amount) is higher than the specified maximum (max_input).
  • NotEnoughLiquidity – There is not enough liquidity in one of the pools to buy the specified amount of asset (output_amount).
  • NotEnoughTokens – The available sold asset balance of the caller account is not enough to perform the trade.
  • Overflow – An overflow occurred during price computation.



Get the output amount for a fixed-input currency-to-asset trade, i.e. 'How much asset would I get if I paid this much currency'?


  • asset_id – ID of the asset to be bought.
  • currency_amount – The amount of currency to be spent.


Get the input amount for a fixed-output currency-to-asset trade, i.e. 'How much currency do I have to pay to get this much asset'?


  • asset_id – ID of the asset to be bought.
  • token_amount – The amount of tokens to be bought.


Get the output amount for a fixed-input asset-to-currency trade, i.e. 'How much currency would I get if I paid this much asset'?


  • asset_id – ID of the asset to be sold.
  • token_amount – The amount of tokens to be spent.


Get the input amount for a fixed-output currency-to-asset trade, i.e. 'How much asset do I have to pay to get this much currency'?


  • asset_id – ID of the asset to be sold.
  • token_amount – The amount of currency to be bought.

Errors (for all methods):

  • ExchangeNotFound – There is no exchange for the given asset_id.
  • NotEnoughLiquidity – There is not enough liquidity in the pool to buy the specified amount of asset/currency. (applies only to fixed-output price queries).
  • Overflow – An overflow occurred during price computation.
  • Unexpected – An unexpected runtime error occurred.

How to add pallet-dex to a node

ℹ️ The pallet is compatible with Substrate version polkadot-v0.9.36.

ℹ️ This section is based on Substrate node template. Integrating pallet-dex with another node might look slightly different.

Runtime's Cargo.toml

Add pallet-dex, the RPC runtime API, and pallet-assets (required for handling the underlying assets) to dependencies.

version = "4.0.0-dev"
default-features = false
git = ""
branch = "polkadot-v0.9.36"

version = "0.0.1"
default-features = false
git = ""
branch = "master"

version = "0.0.1"
default-features = false
git = ""
branch = "master"

Update the runtime's std feature:

std = [
    # --snip--
    # --snip--

Node's Cargo.toml

Add pallet-dex-rpc to dependencies.

version = "0.0.1"
default-features = false
git = ""
branch = "master"


Import required types and traits.

use frame_support::PalletId;
use frame_system::EnsureRoot;
use sp_runtime::traits::Identity;

Configure the assets pallet.

pub type AssetBalance = Balance;
pub type AssetId = u32;

impl pallet_assets::Config for Runtime {
    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
    type Balance = AssetBalance;
    type AssetId = AssetId;
    type Currency = Balances;
    type ForceOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
    type AssetDeposit = ConstU128<1>;
    type AssetAccountDeposit = ConstU128<10>;
    type MetadataDepositBase = ConstU128<1>;
    type MetadataDepositPerByte = ConstU128<1>;
    type ApprovalDeposit = ConstU128<1>;
    type StringLimit = ConstU32<50>;
    type Freezer = ();
    type Extra = ();
    type WeightInfo = ();

Configure the dex pallet.

parameter_types! {
    pub const DexPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"dex_mock");

impl pallet_dex::Config for Runtime {
    type PalletId = DexPalletId;
    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
    type Currency = Balances;
    type AssetBalance = AssetBalance;
    type AssetToCurrencyBalance = Identity;
    type CurrencyToAssetBalance = Identity;
    type AssetId = AssetId;
    type Assets = Assets;
    type AssetRegistry = Assets;
    type WeightInfo = ();
    // Provider fee is 0.3%
    type ProviderFeeNumerator = ConstU128<3>;
    type ProviderFeeDenominator = ConstU128<1000>;
    type MinDeposit = ConstU128<1>;

Add configured pallets to the construct_runtime macro call.

    pub enum Runtime where
        // --snip--
        // --snip---
        Assets: pallet_assets,
        Dex: pallet_dex,
        // --snip---

Add the RPC implementation.

impl_runtime_apis! {
    // --snip--
    impl pallet_dex_rpc_runtime_api::DexApi<Block, AssetId, Balance, AssetBalance> for Runtime {
        fn get_currency_to_asset_output_amount(
            asset_id: AssetId,
            currency_amount: Balance
        ) -> pallet_dex_rpc_runtime_api::RpcResult<AssetBalance> {
            Dex::get_currency_to_asset_output_amount(asset_id, currency_amount)

        fn get_currency_to_asset_input_amount(
            asset_id: AssetId,
            token_amount: AssetBalance
        ) -> pallet_dex_rpc_runtime_api::RpcResult<Balance> {
            Dex::get_currency_to_asset_input_amount(asset_id, token_amount)

        fn get_asset_to_currency_output_amount(
            asset_id: AssetId,
            token_amount: AssetBalance
        ) -> pallet_dex_rpc_runtime_api::RpcResult<Balance> {
            Dex::get_asset_to_currency_output_amount(asset_id, token_amount)

        fn get_asset_to_currency_input_amount(
            asset_id: AssetId,
            currency_amount: Balance
        ) -> pallet_dex_rpc_runtime_api::RpcResult<AssetBalance> {
            Dex::get_asset_to_currency_input_amount(asset_id, currency_amount)


Add genesis configuration for assets and dex pallets.

fn testnet_genesis(
    wasm_binary: &[u8],
    initial_authorities: Vec<(AuraId, GrandpaId)>,
    root_key: AccountId,
    endowed_accounts: Vec<AccountId>,
    _enable_println: bool,
) -> GenesisConfig {
    GenesisConfig {
        // --snip--
        assets: AssetsConfig {
            assets: vec![],
            accounts: vec![],
            metadata: vec![],
        dex: DexConfig {
            exchanges: vec![],


Instantiate the RPC extension and merge it into the RPC module.

pub fn create_full<C, P>(
    deps: FullDeps<C, P>,
) -> Result<RpcModule<()>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>
    // --snip--
    C::Api: pallet_dex_rpc::DexRuntimeApi<Block, AssetId, Balance, AssetBalance>,
    use pallet_dex_rpc::{Dex, DexApiServer};
    // --snip--


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