Relight is a library to create and view relightable images (RTI).
Relight supports:
- [Relight](#Relight fitter) a PCA based format (see paper)
- Web viewer
- Zoomify, deepzoom, google, IIP, IIIF
Relight new formats provide better accuracy and smaller size.
relight-cli is a Qt command-line program to process a stack of photos into an RTI.
Usage: relight-cli [-frqpsScCey]<input folder> [output folder]
input folder containing a .lp with number of photos and light directions
optional output folder (default is ./)
-b <basis>: rbf(default), ptm, lptm, hsh, yrbf, bilinear
-p <int> : number of planes (default: 9)
-y <int> : number of Y planes in YCC
-r <int> : side of the basis bilinear grid (default 8)
-q <int> : jpeg quality (default: 90)
-s <int> : sampling rate for pca (default 4)
-S <int> : sigma in rgf gaussian interpolation default 0.125 (~100 img)
-C : apply chroma subsampling
-e : evaluate reconstruction error (default: false)
relight-cli can also be used to convert .ptm files into relight format:
relight-cli [-q]<file.ptm> [output folder]
-q <int> : jpeg quality (default: 90)
Relight format is a directory containing an info.json file and a few images.
Json contains the following fields:
- width:
- height:
- format: image extension: .jpg, .png etc.
- type: one of lptm, hsh, rbf, bilinear ycc
- nplanes: numer of coefficient planes
- resolution: for bilinear types the side of the bilinear grid
- colorspace: one of lrgb, rgb, ycc, mrgb, mycc
- sigma: rbf interpolation parameter
- lights: mandatory for rbf interpolation
- materials: an array of materials, each material specify scale, bias and range
- scale: an array of floats
- bias: an array of floats
- range: an array of floats
- basis: an array of unsigned chars containing the basis for rbf, bilinear and ycc basis.
Each image contains 3 coefficient planes
- PTM: r, g, b, 1, u, v, u^2, uv, v^2
- HSH: see source code :)
- RBF: PCA basis coefficients
- BILINEAR: PCA basis coefficients
- YCC: PCA basis coefficients as Y0C0C0, Y1C1C1... YkCkCk, Yk+1Yk+2Yk+3
Scale and bias will be applied to the texture coefficients (from [0, 1]) as:
(c - bias)*scale
relight.js support a variety of tiled formats
libvips can be used to generate deepzoom, zoomify and google pyramidal formats, scripts can be found in the directory test.
relight.min.js is a small Javascript library to render the RTI on a WebGL canvas.
var relight = new Relight(canvas, options);
- url: path to a directory containing the web format
- layout: deepzoom, zoomify, google, iip, iiif or image for the web format
- path: used for iip layout, absolute path of the dir.
- light: initial light, array x, y, z.
- pos: initial view object { x: y: z:}
- border: for tiled formats amount of prefetching tiles arount the view (default 1)
- fit: scale and center the view on load
- pos: the position of the view as {x: y: z: t} where x and y are the coords of the center of the screen in full scale image. z is the zoom level with 0 being the original image. t is for interpolation in ms
- light: array of x, y, z light direction
- onload: function to be called when rendering is ready
- setUrl(url): change url
- resize(width, height): resize canvas
- zoom(amount, dt):
- pan(dx, dy, dt): change the center of the view
- setPosition(x, y, z, dt):
- center(dt): center view (but does not change zoom
- centerAndScale(dt): fit the view to the canvas
- setLight(x, y, z): change light direction
- draw(time): draw the canvas, use time for interpolation
- redraw(): schedule an animaterequest
$ uname -a
Linux x220 5.10.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.13-1 (2021-02-06) x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
Install dependencies. (replace libjpeg62-turbo0dev with libturbojpeg-dev in Ubuntu 2020)
$ apt update && apt install \
build-essential \
cmake \
git \
qtbase5-dev \
libeigen3-dev \
libjpeg62-turbo-dev \
Clone this repository and build.
$ git clone
$ cd relight
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ cmake .
$ make
- White balance and other conversion from RAW features (dcraw)
- use color tablet to calibrate raw images
- contrast and other image processing
- measure to be added to the images from tag
- remove lens distortion
- find spheres (very optional)
- mask artifact
- crop
- join pieces
- align images using mutual information (or better an edge detector?)
- find highlight