ESCAPE 2022 is a 2-week program designed to introduce participants to scientific computing, Earth science and spatial data analysis in a fun, inclusive, collaborative environment.
- 9:30 – 11: Introduction to the course and icebreaker
- 11:15 – 12: Lecture: Intro to programming (Eric)
- 12 – 1: Lunch – Pizza
- 1 – 2: Jupyter and python installation and demo
- 2 – 4: Self-guided exercises: intro to Python notebook
- 9:30 – 10:15: Lecture: Satellites, GPS, and modern geodesy (Eric)
- 10:30 – 12: Lecture / demo: getting GPS data and making a plot (Jeng Hann)
- 12 – 1: Lunch – Panera
- 1 - 2: Lecture: Modeling and parameter estimation (Eric)
- 2 – 4: Self-guided exercises: reading GPS data, plotting, and line-fitting
- 9:30 – 11:30: Lecture: Questions in Plate tectonics and the western US (Mousumi)
- 11:30 – 12: Maps and cartopy demo (Jeng Hann)
- 12 – 1: Lunch – Jimmy John's
- 1 – 4: Self-guided exercises: cartopy installation, introduction and mapping GPS vectors
- 9:30 – 10:30: Lecture: InSAR and Geodetic modeling (Eric)
- 10:45 – 12: Geodesy modeling demo – visible earthquakes website, Okada model
- 12 – 1: Lunch – Sahara
- 1 – 2: Lecture: Alaskan tectonics (Lindsay)
- 2 – 3: CARC office hours
- 3 – 3:30: Lecture: ABQ geology (Lindsay)
- 2:30 – 4: Self-guided exercises: modeling and mapping
- Volcanoes
- 12 - 1: Lunch - on the road
- Foothills
- 9:30 – 10:30: What is seismology? (Brandon)
- 11 – 12: Lecture: ObsPy intro & demo (Evans)
- 12 - 1: Lunch – w/grad students
- 1 – 3 ObsPy demo & exercises
- 3 – 4: Lecture: Prep for active seismic survey (Lindsay)
- 8:30 – 12: Seismic survey at Alameda open space
- Lunch – w/grad students
- 1-3: CARC visit and HPC introduction
- 9:30 - 10:30 Lecture: Seismic reflection (Lindsay)
- 11 - 12: Demo: Plotting seismic reflection data and picking arrivals (Evans)
- 12 - 1: Lunch – w/grad students
- 1 - 4: Start work on group projects
- Group projects all day
- 9:30 – 11: Group presentations
- 11:15 – 12: Lecture: Going to grad school, careers in geophysics
- 12pm onward: Join grad students for lunch on the lawn and ice cream social
Programming will be done within the Jupyter-Lab environment. This can be installed through conda (
To ensure your conda environment has all the packages needed for this course:
- Download the environment.yml file
- conda env create -f environment.yml
Eric Lindsey, Evans Onyango, Jeng Hann Chong, Lindsay Worthington, Mousumi Roy, Brandon Schmandt
Eric Lindsey, Evans Onyango
Thanks to NSF support for making this program possible (Award #2146272).