An environment for using require.js with jst, unofficially forked from This only modified the "page1" part of the original project.
Run server
npm install node app
Try visiting http://localhost:3000/page1.html from browser. It should say:
Go to Page 2 This is a page for Model 1 Backbone Version: 0.9.2 Underscore Version: 1.3.3
Check the browser's network tab and see that all javascripts (from js folder and its children) are being loaded.
- /public/js/common.js - /public/js/lib/require.js - /public/js/lib/jquery.js - /public/js/lib/text.js - /public/js/lib/backbone.js - /public/js/lib/underscore.js - /public/js/lib/require/jst.js - /public/js/controller/c1.js - /public/js/model/m1.js - /public/js/app/model/Base.js - /public/js/app/controller/Base.js - /public/js/app/main1.js - /public/js/app/lib.js
Run server
npm install node app
Try visiting http://localhost:3000/www-built/page1.html from browser. It should say:
Go to Page 2 This is a page for Model 1 Backbone Version: 0.9.2 Underscore Version: 1.3.3
Check the browser's network tab and see that all javascripts have been compressed into 3.
- /public/www-built/js/lib/require.js - /public/www-built/js/common.js - /public/www-built/js/app/main1.js
Remove www-built directory (in order to start from scratch)
rm -rf www-built
Change the isBuild setting to true (inside common.js)
Run the optimize command
node tools/r.js -o tools/build.js
The files will be successfully compressed, resulting in the following 3 js files:
- /public/www-built/js/lib/require.js - /public/www-built/js/common.js - /public/www-built/js/app/main1.js
Confirm that the templates are baked into the files (common.js and main1.js).