NaCL Pipe Go Package
A simple experimental Go package providing an io.Reader/io.Writer interface with an NaCL (pronounced 'Salt') crypto backend.
- np* is the previously called naclpipe tool using this Go package.
- remove old unsafe backware compatibility code.
- tagged 0.2.0
- added argon2id key derivation function.
- upgraded the key derivation function and the parameters to a 2018 flavor.
- added some godoc documentation
- separating command 'np' and package 'naclpipe', this way package can eventually be reused as "crypto" stream.
- reusable io.Reader/Writer interface.
- Starting 'semver' and documenting, first version will be 0.1.0
- fixing the empty scrypt salt reported by Tom Eklof
- better handling of pipe input.
- the structure has changed as the CSPRNG'ed salt is prefixed to the series of blocks
import ""
// block size can be arbitrary, we read in block of datas
block := make([]byte, 8192)
// initilize my reader from stdin
cryptoReader, err := naclpipe.NewReader(os.Stdin, "mysuperduperpassword", naclpipe.DerivateArgon2id)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("naclpipe error")
// read & decipher in block
_, err := cryptoReader.Read(b)
see np.
- NaCL ECC 25519 box/secretbox Go implementation AEAD using Salsa20 w/ Poly1305 MAC
- Argon2 for today key stretching.
- Scrypt for key stretching.
- SHA-3 for NONCE generation.
- Go because it works.