Command-line interface to liblevenshein-java. Tagged releases of liblevenshtein-java-cli follow the corresponding, tagged releases of liblevenshtein-java.
$ git clone
Cloning into 'liblevenshtein-java-cli'...
remote: Counting objects: 61, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (45/45), done.
remote: Total 61 (delta 7), reused 56 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (61/61), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd liblevenshtein-java-cli
$ ./gradlew installDist
:compileJavawarning: No processor claimed any of these annotations: lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j,lombok.experimental.ExtensionMethod,lombok.Getter,lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor,edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings
1 warning
Total time: 4.925 secs
This build could be faster, please consider using the Gradle Daemon:
$ ./build/install/liblevenshtein-java-cli/bin/liblevenshtein-java-cli --help
20:00:34.433 [main] INFO c.g.l.CommandLineInterface - Parsing command-line args [--help]
usage: liblevenshtein-java-cli [-a <ALGORITHM>] [--colorize] [-d
<PATH|URI>] [-h] [-i] [-m <INTEGER>] [-q <STRING> <...>] [-s]
[--serialize <PATH>] [--source-format <FORMAT>] [--target-format
Command-Line Interface to liblevenshtein (Java)
<FORMAT> specifies the serialization format of the dictionary,
and may be one of the following:
- (de)serialize the dictionary as a protobuf stream.
- This is the preferred format.
- See:
- (de)serialize the dictionary as a Java, bytecode stream.
- (de)serialize the dictionary as a plain text file.
- Terms are delimited by newlines.
<ALGORITHM> specifies the Levenshtein algorithm to use for
querying-against the dictionary, and may be one of the following:
- Use the standard, Levenshtein distance which considers the
following elementary operations:
o Insertion
o Deletion
o Substitution
- An elementary operation is an operation that incurs a penalty of
one unit.
- Extend the standard, Levenshtein distance to include transpositions
as elementary operations.
o A transposition is a swapping of two, consecutive characters as
follows: ba -> ab
o With the standard distance, this would require at least two
+ An insertion and a deletion
+ A deletion and an insertion
+ Two substitutions
- Extend the standard, Levenshtein distance to include merges and
splits as elementary operations.
o A merge takes two characters and merges them into a single one.
+ For example: ab -> c
o A split takes a single character and splits it into two others
+ For example: a -> bc
o With the standard distance, these would require at least two
+ Merge:
> A deletion and a substitution
> A substitution and a deletion
+ Split:
> An insertion and a substitution
> A substitution and an insertion
-a,--algorithm <ALGORITHM> Levenshtein algorithm to use (Default:
--colorize Colorize output
-d,--dictionary <PATH|URI> Filesystem path or Java-compatible URI to a
dictionary of terms
-h,--help print this help text
-i,--include-distance Include the Levenshtein distance with each
spelling candidate (Default: false)
-m,--max-distance <INTEGER> Maximun, Levenshtein distance a spelling
candidatemay be from the query term
(Default: 2)
-q,--query <STRING> <...> Terms to query against the dictionary. You
may specify multiple terms.
-s,--is-sorted Specifies that the dictionary is sorted
lexicographically, in ascending order
(Default: false)
--serialize <PATH> Path to save the serialized dictionary
--source-format <FORMAT> Format of the source dictionary (Default:
adaptively-try each format until one works)
--target-format <FORMAT> Format of the serialized dictionary
(Default: PROTOBUF)
Example: liblevenshtein-java-cli \
--algorithm TRANSPOSITION \
--max-distance 2 \
--include-distance \
--query mispelled mispelling \
$ ./build/install/liblevenshtein-java-cli/bin/liblevenshtein-java-cli --dictionary --source-format PLAIN_TEXT --serialize /tmp/dictionary.protobuf.bytes --target-format PROTOBUF
20:40:25.945 [main] INFO c.g.l.CommandLineInterface - Parsing command-line args [--dictionary,, --source-format, PLAIN_TEXT, --serialize, /tmp/dictionary.protobuf.bytes, --target-format, PROTOBUF]
20:40:26.909 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.collection.dawg.AbstractDawg - Added [10000] of [109582] terms
20:40:26.932 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.collection.dawg.AbstractDawg - Added [20000] of [109582] terms
20:40:26.954 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.collection.dawg.AbstractDawg - Added [30000] of [109582] terms
20:40:26.971 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.collection.dawg.AbstractDawg - Added [40000] of [109582] terms
20:40:26.987 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.collection.dawg.AbstractDawg - Added [50000] of [109582] terms
20:40:27.003 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.collection.dawg.AbstractDawg - Added [60000] of [109582] terms
20:40:27.021 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.collection.dawg.AbstractDawg - Added [70000] of [109582] terms
20:40:27.037 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.collection.dawg.AbstractDawg - Added [80000] of [109582] terms
20:40:27.052 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.collection.dawg.AbstractDawg - Added [90000] of [109582] terms
20:40:27.069 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.collection.dawg.AbstractDawg - Added [100000] of [109582] terms
20:40:27.093 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.l.factory.TransducerBuilder - Building transducer out of [109582] terms with algorithm [TRANSPOSITION], defaultMaxDistance [2], includeDistance [false], and maxCandidates [2147483647]
20:40:27.103 [main] INFO c.g.l.CommandLineInterface - Serializing [109582] terms in the dictionary to [/tmp/dictionary.protobuf.bytes] as format [PROTOBUF]
$ ./build/install/liblevenshtein-java-cli/bin/liblevenshtein-java-cli --dictionary /tmp/dictionary.protobuf.bytes --source-format PROTOBUF --algorithm TRANSPOSITION --max-distance 2 --include-distance --query mispelled mispelling --colorize
12:24:09.029 [main] INFO c.g.l.CommandLineInterface - Parsing command-line args [--dictionary, /tmp/dictionary.protobuf.bytes, --source-format, PROTOBUF, --algorithm, TRANSPOSITION, --max-distance, 2, --include-distance, --query, mispelled, mispelling, --colorize]
12:24:09.224 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.l.factory.TransducerBuilder - Building transducer out of [109582] terms with algorithm [TRANSPOSITION], defaultMaxDistance [2], includeDistance [true], and maxCandidates [2147483647]
| Spelling Candidates for Query Term: "mispelled"
| d("mispelled", "spelled") = [2]
| d("mispelled", "impelled") = [2]
| d("mispelled", "dispelled") = [1]
| d("mispelled", "miscalled") = [2]
| d("mispelled", "respelled") = [2]
| d("mispelled", "misspelled") = [1]
| Spelling Candidates for Query Term: "mispelling"
| d("mispelling", "spelling") = [2]
| d("mispelling", "impelling") = [2]
| d("mispelling", "dispelling") = [1]
| d("mispelling", "misbilling") = [2]
| d("mispelling", "miscalling") = [2]
| d("mispelling", "misdealing") = [2]
| d("mispelling", "respelling") = [2]
| d("mispelling", "misspelling") = [1]
| d("mispelling", "misspellings") = [2]
$ ./build/install/liblevenshtein-java-cli/bin/liblevenshtein-java-cli --dictionary /tmp/dictionary.protobuf.bytes --source-format PROTOBUF --algorithm TRANSPOSITION --max-distance 2 --query mispelled mispelling --colorize
12:24:30.437 [main] INFO c.g.l.CommandLineInterface - Parsing command-line args [--dictionary, /tmp/dictionary.protobuf.bytes, --source-format, PROTOBUF, --algorithm, TRANSPOSITION, --max-distance, 2, --query, mispelled, mispelling, --colorize]
12:24:30.636 [main] INFO c.g.d.l.l.factory.TransducerBuilder - Building transducer out of [109582] terms with algorithm [TRANSPOSITION], defaultMaxDistance [2], includeDistance [false], and maxCandidates [2147483647]
| Spelling Candidates for Query Term: "mispelled"
| "mispelled" ~ "spelled"
| "mispelled" ~ "impelled"
| "mispelled" ~ "dispelled"
| "mispelled" ~ "miscalled"
| "mispelled" ~ "respelled"
| "mispelled" ~ "misspelled"
| Spelling Candidates for Query Term: "mispelling"
| "mispelling" ~ "spelling"
| "mispelling" ~ "impelling"
| "mispelling" ~ "dispelling"
| "mispelling" ~ "misbilling"
| "mispelling" ~ "miscalling"
| "mispelling" ~ "misdealing"
| "mispelling" ~ "respelling"
| "mispelling" ~ "misspelling"
| "mispelling" ~ "misspellings"
The library is designed to read dictionaries from filesystem paths, Java-compatible URIs (including web URLs and Jar resources), process substitutions in Unix shells, and standard input (e.g. piped input).