OS2D is cross platform engine for 2d mobile games made with ObjectScript and Oxygine.
Open and run examples\Demo\proj.win32\Demo_vs2010.sln
. Please see more examples.
Run examples\Demo\proj.android\build-run.bat
The main ObjectScript file is Demo\data\main.os
of Demo example.
// create sprite and display it
var sprite = Sprite()
sprite.resAnim = res.getResAnim("anim")
sprite.parent = stage
sprite.scale = 0.5
// run opacity and position tween using one action (see SeqTween example)
sprite.addTweenAction {
duration = 1.0, // in seconds
opacity = 0.5,
pos = vec2(100, 120),
ease = Ease.BACK_IN_OUT // ease type, it's linear by default
// run forever rotate action (see SeqTween example)
// rotate sprite in 2 seconds and repeat it forever
myAction = sprite.addAction(RepeatForeverAction(TweenAction{
duration = 2,
angle = 360,
name = "rotate-action"
// remove action
// remove actions by name
// handle event
sprite.addEventListener(TouchEvent.CLICK, function(ev){
// your code here
// handle user event
sprite.addEventListener("hide", function(ev){
// your code here
// dispatch user event
sprite.dispatchEvent{"hide", prop1 = "prop1", prop2 = 100}
// short syntax of initialization
// you could use any properties you want
sprite = Sprite().attrs {
resAnim = res.getResAnim("plus"),
scale = 0.5f,
pos = vec2(70, 55),
parent = stage,
// Actor is base class that could be rendered
// use it as group of actors, sprites and so on
actor = Actor().attachTo(stage)
// add update function that will be called each 0.3 seconds
// (see AngryMonsters examle)
myUpdate = actor.addUpdate(0.3, function(){
// your code here
// remove update function
// add update function of each frame
// your code here
// add timeout function to call in 2.5 seconds
// (see DemoFloor example)
actor.addTimeout(2.5, function(){
// your code here
- OS2D is cross platform engine for 2d mobile games (examples included) made with ObjectScript and Oxygine
- OS2D binaries is OS2D binaries and executables examples for Windows
- CastleMonster is opensource old school battle mobile game made with OS2D
- CastleMonster binaries is CastleMonster binaries and executables files for Windows
- eXeXeXeX is opensource is a 4X genre of strategy-based video game made with OS2D
- eXeXeXeX binaries is eXeXeXeX binaries and executables files for Windows
- ObjectScript is ObjectScript language repository of full opensource code
- ObjectScript binaries is ObjectScript binaries and executables files for Windows (os.exe & os-fcgi.exe included)
- objectscript.org is ObjectScript site
- objectscript.org repo is ObjectScript site opensource code repository
- Programming in ObjectScript
- ObjectScript Reference
- ObjectScript C++ binder generator
Please feel free to contact me at anytime, my email is [email protected], skype: egolovin