- Inspect the precious counterexamples with infinite depth so the details don't get dotted out (Andreas Lind)
- Update changelog (Andreas Lind)
- #151 Upgrade mocha to version 9.1.3 (depfu[bot])
- Update unexpected the dev dep to ^13.0.0, allow 13 for the peer dep (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-stream to ^5.1.0 (Andreas Lind)
- Fix lint (Andreas Lind)
- eslint --fix . (Andreas Lind)
- npm i --save-dev eslint-plugin-n eslint-config-standard@latest && npm uninstall eslint-plugin-node eslint-plugin-standard (Andreas Lind)
- +13 more
- #107 Upgrade estraverse to version 5.2.0 (depfu[bot])
- #108 Upgrade escodegen to version 2.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- prettier --write '**/*.{js,json,md}' (Andreas Lind)
- Update prettier to ~2.1.2 (Andreas Lind)
- Check prettier formatting on CI (Andreas Lind)
- npm run travis => ci (Andreas Lind)
- Drop support for node.js <10 (semver-major) (Andreas Lind)
- +6 more
- #75 Seed the generators in valid for all differently (Sune Simonsen)
- #74 Inspect AssertionError's without a full stack trace (Sune Simonsen)
- Add more stuff to .prettierignore (Andreas Lind)
- Use ~ version range for prettier (Andreas Lind)
- Update changelog (Andreas Lind)
- #72 Report the full stack when a non-Unexpected error is hit (Andreas Lind)
- #73 Don't use the seed cache when creating iterators in 'to be valid for all' (Sune Simonsen)
- #60 Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 4.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #58 Upgrade unexpected-stream to version 4.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #54 Upgrade serve to version 11.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #53 Upgrade pkg-up to version 3.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #48 Upgrade unexpected-documentation-site-generator to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #47 Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 3.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #46 Upgrade unexpected to version 11.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #44 Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 2.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Fix typo in comment (Andreas Lind)
- Use mocha --require instead of --compilers (removed in mocha 6) (Andreas Lind)
- Update mocha to version 6.1.4 (depfu[bot])
- Fixed deploy-site script (Sune Simonsen)
- Update changelog (Sune Simonsen)
- #45 Allow the next major version of unexpected (Sune Simonsen)
- #43 Switch to ^ dev deps and disable save-prefix in .npmrc (Andreas Lind)
- #42 Upgrade eslint to version 5.10.0 (depfu[bot])
- #40 Upgrade prettier to version 1.15.3 (depfu[bot])
- #39 Upgrade chance-generators to version 3.5.0 (depfu[bot])
- #38 Upgrade unexpected to version 10.39.2 (depfu[bot])
- #37 Upgrade prettier to version 1.15.2 (depfu[bot])
- #20 Upgrade chance-generators to version 3.3.0 (Sune Simonsen, depfu[bot])
- #30 Upgrade unexpected to version 10.39.1 (Sune Simonsen, depfu[bot])
- #35 Upgrade eslint to version 5.9.0 (depfu[bot])
- #36 Upgrade serve to version 10.1.1 (depfu[bot])
- #31 Upgrade unexpected-stream to version 3.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #34 Upgrade unexpected-documentation-site-generator to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #33 Re-enable eslint for parts of test/instrumentAst.spec.js (Andreas Lind)
- #32 Changed the prettier setup to be similar to unexpected (Sune Simonsen)
- #27 Upgrade prettier to version 1.14.3 (depfu[bot])
- #26 Upgrade mocha to version 5.2.0 (Sune Simonsen, depfu[bot])
- #24 Upgrade lodash.escape to version 4.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #25 Upgrade lodash.unescape to version 4.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #23 Upgrade lint-staged to version 8.0.3 (Sune Simonsen, depfu[bot])
- #18 Upgrade babel-core to version 6.26.3 (depfu[bot])
- #22 Upgrade eslint-config-onelint to version 4.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #17 Upgrade ignore to version 5.0.3 (depfu[bot])
- #19 Upgrade babel-eslint to version 10.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #16 Lint, build, changelog, publish site when releasing (Sune Simonsen)
- No need to build this project (Sune Simonsen)
- Changed var to const in the documentation (Sune Simonsen)
- Added chance-generators to the install command (Sune Simonsen)
- #15 Updated for compatibility with the new major version of chance-generators (Major) (Sune Simonsen)
- #14 Use proximity as a feedback loop (Sune Simonsen)
- #13 Use of conditional proximity (Andreas Lind, Andreas Lind, Sune Simonsen)
- #12 I found that is yields better to results to start using the feedback quicker (Sune Simonsen)
- #11 Report when the first error was found. (Sune Simonsen)
- #10 Increase the maxError default (Sune Simonsen)
- #9 Property based whitebox testing (Andreas Lind, Sune Simonsen)
- Upgraded to the latest version of chance-generators (Sune Simonsen)
- Tweaked the documentation a bit (Sune Simonsen)
- update eslint (2.13.1) and eslint-config-onelint (1.2.0) (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- Updated chance-generators (Sune Simonsen)
- Changed the maxError default to 50 as it yields much better results when shrink integers (Sune Simonsen)
- #4 Add 'when fuzzed by' helper assertion. (Andreas Lind, Sune Simonsen)
- #6 Added 'repository' url in package.json (Priyank Parashar)
- #5 Print out the generators that was used to generated the failing input (Sune Simonsen)
- #3 Support specifying the default max number of iterations (Andreas Lind)
- Use the latest chance-generators (Sune Simonsen)
- Got rid of all the custom assertion in bootstrap (Sune Simonsen)
- Upgraded chance-generators (Sune Simonsen)
- Changed the wording in the documentation (Sune Simonsen)
- Let unexpected-check run more iterations when an error is found to improve input shrinking (Sune Simonsen)
- Improve example a bit (Sune Simonsen)
- Upgrade change-generators to get better string shrinking (Sune Simonsen)
- Upgraded chance-generators to get even better shrinking (Sune Simonsen)
- Updated chance-generators to get better shrinking (Sune Simonsen)
- +6 more
- Added async support (Sune Simonsen)
- Point to the chance-generator documentation site (Sune Simonsen)
- Upgraded chance-generators (Sune Simonsen)
- Fixed broken url in the documentation (Sune Simonsen)
- eslint: force es5 parser mode (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- +1 more
- Only rely on input shrinking to find the best error (Sune Simonsen)
- Loosen the unexpected-documentation-site-generator dependency (Sune Simonsen)
- Upgrade unexpected-markdown (Sune Simonsen)
- Fixed up the readme a bit (Sune Simonsen)
- Moved bootstrap to bottstrap-unexpected-markdown (Sune Simonsen)
- Made 300 the default for maxIterations (Sune Simonsen)
- Make maxIterations and maxErrors configurable (Sune Simonsen)
- Upgraded chance-generators (Sune Simonsen)
- Enqueue dequeue example (Sune Simonsen)
- use the generators in a more clear way in the documentation (Sune Simonsen)
- +1 more