A not so basic plug.dj bot for Bukkit or Spigot
Tested with Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. You will also need the server plugin.
You need a working hashcode to use this bot ... if you want one just pm me here or on bukkit ...
if you have one you need to alter two things in the code:
- insert your hashcode in line 55
- insert you bukkit serverip:port (not 25565) in line 54
Bookmark the following code. To run the bot, run the bookmark.
If this does not work, go to https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CustomCraftDev/basicBot/master/basicBot.js and copy paste its content into your console (accessible in most browsers by pressing f12) when on plug.dj in your community.
Copyright © 2015 Yemasthui
Modifications (including forks) of the code to fit personal needs are allowed only for personal use and should refer back to the original source. This software is not for profit, any extension, or unauthorised person providing this software is not authorised to be in a position of any monetary gain from this use of this software. Any and all money gained under the use of the software (which includes donations) must be passed on to the original author.
This bot is developed independently. Changes may be made without notice. There is no guarantee for the perfect functioning. Plug.dj admins have the right to request changes. By using this chatbot you agree to not use it for violating plug.dj's Terms of Service. You also agree not to alter the bot's code. Any requests for changes can be requested via email, through github or via plug.dj.