The ffmpeg of minecraft item transportation: move items from A to B without any hassle.
A high-level abstraction over the raw CC inventory API. It unifies the many different inventory APIs into a single interface, and said interface includes a wide range of options for quickly and easily setting up pipelines of both the simple and complicated kind. It is powerful, high-throughput, easy to use, flexible, and not very lag-inducing.
As an example use, here's all of the code needed for a super smelter (aka. a furnace array):
shell.openTab([[hopper -sleep 5
-alias input *chest*
-alias fuel *chest*
-alias bucketreturn *barrel*
-alias output *barrel*
/ input *furnace* -not *:lava_bucket -to_slot 1 -to_limit 5 -per_chest
/ fuel *furnace* *:lava_bucket -to_slot 2
/ *furnace* bucketreturn *:bucket -from_slot 2
/ *furnace* output -from_slot 3
Run these two commands on your CC computer to fetch the code:
cd /
To get the newest bugs and features, fetch the code from the beta branch:
Consult the wiki for a tutorial on how to get started. It currently also doubles as documentation.