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Migrate Plugins to Umi 3

信鑫-King edited this page Mar 19, 2020 · 1 revision



// before
export default (api) => {
  api.registerCommand('build', {}, (args) => {
    api.applyPlugins('addBar', {

// after
export default (api) => {
    name: 'build',
    fn: async ({ args }) => {
      await api.applyPlugins({
        key: 'addBar',
        // 必填
        type: api.ApplyPluginsType.add,


export default (api) => {
  // 用户项目配置 antd 才不会报错
    key: 'antd',
    config: {
      // default: ,
      schema(joi) {
        return joi.object();

入参由 string 改成 () ⇒ string

export default (api) => {
-  api.addEntryCode(`console.log('foo');`)
+  api.addEntryCode(() => `console.log('foo');`)

api.config 注册阶段为 null,如果需要在注册阶段获取,使用 api.userConfig

export default (api) => {
-  console.log(api.config) // => { ... }
+  console.log(api.config) // => null
+  console.log(api.service.userConfig) // => { ... }
   api.addHTMLScripts(() => {
      console.log(api.config);  // => { ... }

api.addRendererWrapperWithModule 废弃,使用 api.addRuntimePlugin 方式注册:

import { join } from 'path';

export default function(api) {
  const {
    utils: {
  } = api;

  api.onGenerateFiles(() => {
      path: `plugin-bar/runtime.tsx`,
      // 推荐使用 Mustache 渲染 tpl 方式
      content: `
        import React from 'react';
        const Wrapper = ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>
        export function rootContainer(container) {
          return React.createElement(Wrapper, null, container);

  api.addRuntimePlugin(() =>
    join(paths.absTmpPath || '', 'plugin-bar/runtime.tsx', 'runtime.tsx'),

api.registerGenerator 参数从 { key : string; args: { Generator: Generator; resolved: string; }} 修改为 { args: { key : string; Generator: Generator; }}

// before
export default (api) => {
  api.registerGenerator('page', {
    Generator:  createPageGenerator({ api }),
    resolved: `${__dirname}/generators/page/index`,

// after
export default (api) => {
    key: 'page',
    // @ts-ignore
    Generator: createPageGenerator({ api }),

api.findJS, api.findCSS 使用 api.getFile 代替:

// .ts
export default (api) => {
-  api.findJS('path')
+  api.getFile({ base: 'path', type: 'javascript', fileNameWithoutExt: '' })?.path

-  api.findJS('path', 'app')
+  api.getFile({ base: 'path', type: 'javascript', fileNameWithoutExt: 'app' })?.path

-  api.findCSS('path')
+  api.getFile({ base: 'path', type: 'css', fileNameWithoutExt: '' })?.path

API change

Name in 2.x Name in 3.x break change
chainWebpackConfig chainWebpack -
modifyWebpackConfig chainWebpack -
addPageWatcher addTmpGenerateWatcherPaths -
modifyHTMLWithAST modifyHTML -
addEntryImport addEntryImports -
addMiddlewareAhead addBeforeMiddewares -
registerPlugin registerPlugins -
addHTMLStyle addHTMLStyles -
addHTMLHeadScript addHTMLHeadScripts -
addHTMLScript addHTMLScripts -
addHTMLMeta addHTMLMetas -
addHTMLLink addHTMLLinks -
addEntryImport addEntryImports -
addEntryImportAhead addEntryImportsAhead -
log logger -
winPath utils.winPath -
_ utils.lodash lodash
compatDirname utils.compatDirname TODO
onBuildSuccess onBuildComplete -
onBuildSuccessAsync onBuildComplete -
onBuildFail onBuildComplete -
getRouteComponents TODO -
debug logger.debug -
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