This project has been in archive state since about year 2020. It did not reeach to a good level of maturity before moving to the archive state.
NoSQL-biosets project included naive scripts for indexing and querying selected free bioinformatics datasets.
Elasticsearch and MongoDB were two databases supported for most datasets included in the project. Naive Neo4j and PostgreSQL support was implemented for few datasets, namely for IntEnz, PubTator and HGNC.
Datasets that had more attention were:
UniProtKB datasets in XML format:
IntEnz dataset in XML format:
ModelSEEDDatabase compounds and reactions data files in tsv format:
DrugBank drugs and drug targets dataset:
HGNC, data files in json format, from EMBL-EBI:
(tests made with complete HGNC dataset) -
PubMed and PMC articles:
Datasets that had less attention:
ClinVar, aggregated information about genomic variation and its relationship to human health ./nosqlbiosets/variation/
FAERS, FDA adverse event reports archive, ./nosqlbiosets/fda/
InterPro, protein families,
Metabolic network files in SBML format or PSAMM project's yaml format:
(tests made with BiGG and PSAMM collections) -
PubChem BioAssay json files:
WikiPathways gpml files:
Ensembl regulatory build GFF files:
PubTator gene2pub and disease2pub mappings:
RNAcentral identifier mappings,
KEGG pathway kgml/xml files:
(KEGG data distribution policy lets us think twice when spending time on KEGG data)
Project aimed to connect above datasets by implementing query APIs for common query patterns. It included initial work on returning query results of IntEnz, DrugBank, HMDB, ModelSEEDdb, and MetaNetX datasets as graphs.
Download nosqlbiosets project source code and install required libraries:
git clone
cd nosql-biosets
pip install -r requirements.txt --user
Project could be installed
using the
and --user
that should allow running the index scripts from project
source folders:
python develop --user
Default values of the hostname and port numbers of Elasticsearch and MongoDB servers
are read from ./conf/dbservers.json
Save your settings in this file to avoid entering --host
and --port
parameters in command line.
Example command lines for downloading UniProt Knowledgebase Swiss-Prot data set (~690M) and for indexing:
$ wget\
Make sure your Elasticsearch server is running in your localhost.
If you are new to Elasticsearch and you are using Linux
the easiest way is to download Elasticsearch with the TAR option (~32M).
After extracting the tar file cd
to your Elasticsearch folder
and run ./bin/elasticsearch
Downloaded UniProt xml file can be indexed by running the following command from nosqlbiosets project root folder, typically requires 2 to 8 hours with Elasticsearch, and between 1 and 5 hours with MongoDB
./nosqlbiosets/uniprot/ ./uniprot_sprot.xml.gz\
--host localhost --db Elasticsearch --index uniprot
Example query: list most mentioned gene names
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/uniprot/_search?pretty=true"\
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"genes": {
"terms": {
"field": "",
"size": 5
"aggs": {
"tids": {
"terms": {
"field": "",
"size": 5
Check ./tests/
and ./nosqlbiosets/uniprot/
example queries with Elasticsearch and MongoDB.
- "GFF and GTF files are loaded into SQLite3 databases, allowing much more complex manipulation of hierarchical features (e.g., genes, transcripts, and exons) than is possible with plain-text methods alone"
We are inspired by the gffutils project. Needless to say, nosql-biosets project doesn't have a level of maturity comparable to the gffutils library.
- (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL)
NoSQL-biosets project was developed at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
NoSQL-biosets project is licensed with MIT license.