Azure DocumentDB is a fully-managed, highly-scalable, NoSQL document database service provided by Azure. Its many benefits include rich query over a schema-free JSON data model, transactional execution of JavaScript logic, and scalable storage and throughput. You can find out more about DocumentDB online in the Microsoft Azure subsite for DocumentDB.
In this lab, you will learn how to build a todo list web application using Azure DocumentDB. The task items will be stored as JSON documents in Azure DocumentDB. The web application is a C# MVC application, in which you will wire the basic CRUD operations to methods that use DocumentDB and then publish as an Azure website.
This lab includes instructions for the following tasks:
- Creating a DocumentDB database account
- Creating a new ASP.NET MVC application
- Adding DocumentDB to your project
- Setting up the ASP.NET MVC application
- Wiring up DocumentDB
- Running the application locally
- Deploying the application to Azure Websites
- Appendix - Cleanup
To use Microsoft Azure DocumentDB, you must create a DocumentDB account. This task describes how to create a DocumentDB account in the Azure management portal.
Sign in to the management portal.
Click NEW and select Data + storage, then DocumentDB in order to create a new DocumentDB account.
Creating a DocumentDB account
In the New DocumentDB blade, enter a name to identify the DocumentDB account in the Id box (e.g.: your-documentdb), specify an existing Resource Group or create a new one, and specify the geographic location where your DocumentDB account will be hosted (e.g.: West US). You can update other configuration options based on the information below. Then click Create.
Configuring the DocumentDB account
Note: In the New DocumentDB blade you can find the following options to be configured for a new DocumentDB account configuration:
- Id: Name that identifies the DocumentDB account. This value becomes the host name within the URI. The Id can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and the '-' character, and must be between 3 and 50 characters long. Note that is appended to the endpoint name you choose to craft your DocumentDB account endpoint.
- Resource group: The resource group for your DocumentDB account. By default, a new Resource group will be created. You may, however, choose to add your DocumentDB account to an existing resource group. For more information, see Using resource groups to manage your Azure resources.
- Subscription: The Azure subscription that you want to use for the DocumentDB account. If your account has only one subscription, it will be selected automatically.
- Location: The geographic location where your DocumentDB account will be hosted.
The DocumentDB account will be created. As this can take some time, you will proceed with the creation of the project and come back to retrieve some necessary information later, once the account creation has completed. Leave the browser open. In the next section you will be guided step by step to create a new ASP.NET MVC application from the ground up.
In this task you will create a new ASP.NET MVC project and configure a Microsoft Azure Website where it will be deployed.
Open Visual Studio and from the File menu, hover over the New option and click Project.
Creating a New Project
Note: You can open the end solution from src/Todo and configure it according to the instructions in Setting up the end solution.
In the New Project dialog box, select ASP.NET Web Application under the Visual C# | Web tab. Make sure .NET Framework 4.5.2 is selected. Name the project Todo, choose a Location and click OK.
Note: You may also want to uncheck the Add Application Insights to Project if you don't want the functionality for your application.
Creating a new ASP.NET Web Application project
In the New ASP.NET Project dialog box, select MVC. Make sure that the Host in the cloud option is also selected, and change the Authentication method to No Authentication. Click Ok.
Creating a new project with the MVC template
Note 1: Selecting the Host in the cloud option will preprovision an Azure Website for you and make life a lot easier when the time comes to deploy the final working application. If you want to host this elsewhere or don't want to configure Azure upfront, then just clear Host in the Cloud.
Note 2: You might be prompted to sign in to Visual Studio with your Microsoft account. If so, enter your credentials and click Sign in.
Note 3: This hands on lab will work with either Visual Studio 2013 or Visual Studio 2015. If you are using Visual Studio 2015 and don't see the Host in the Cloud option, the most likely reason is that you need to install the latest release of the Microsoft Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2015.
The Create App Service dialog box will appear, using an auto-generated web app name. Create or reuse resource groups and/or app service plans, for this demo your decison won't matter. Take note of which account you are currently signed into in the dialog box. You want to make sure that this is the account your Azure subscription is attached to (usually a Microsoft account).
Click OK.
Configuring Microsoft Azure Website
The project will be created, and the authentication options and Azure Web App options will be automatically configured with the project. The ASP.NET application can be run locally, if desired.
Next you will add DocumentDB to this project and build the application.
##Adding DocumentDB to your project
In this task you will add the Azure DocumentDB SDK to the application.
The DocumentDB .NET SDK is packaged and distributed as a NuGet package. To get the NuGet package in Visual Studio, use the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio.
Right-click the Todo project in the Solution Explorer and then select Manage NuGet Packages to open the NuGet Package Manager dialog box.
Opening Manage NuGet Packages
In the Search box, type Azure DocumentDB. From the results, select the Microsoft Azure DocumentDB and click Install.
This will download and install the DocumentDB client package as well as all dependencies, like Newtonsoft.Json.
You will be prompted review changes Click OK.
Accepting the changes
##Setting up the ASP.NET MVC application
In this task you will set up the ASP.Net MVC application by adding a model, a controller and several views.
###Adding a model###
In Solution Explorer, right-click the Models folder of the Todo project and select Add. Then click Class....
Adding a new model class
In the Add New Item dialog box, set the name of the file as Item.cs and click Add.
Replace the content of the new Item.cs file with the following.
namespace Todo.Models { using Newtonsoft.Json; public class Item { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "id")] public string Id { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "name")] public string Name { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "desc")] public string Description { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "isComplete")] public bool Completed { get; set; } } }
Note: All data in DocumentDB is passed over the wire and stored as JSON. To control the way your objects are serialized/deserialized by JSON.NET you can use the JsonProperty attribute as demonstrated in the Item class we just created. This is optional. Moreover, you can use JsonConverter objects to completely control how serialization is handled.
###Adding a controller###
In Solution Explorer, right-click the Controllers folder of the Todo project, click Add, and then click Controller....
Adding a Controller
In the Add Scaffold dialog box, select MVC 5 Controller - Empty and then click Add.
Adding the Scaffold
Name your new Controller, ItemController and click Add.
Naming the new Controller
Once the file is created, in Solution Explorer your Visual Studio solution should resemble the following with the new Item.cs and ItemController.cs files just added.
Solution after adding the model and the controller
###Adding views### Now you will add several views to make it possible to list, edit, delete and view the details of the existing To Do items and create new ones.
####Adding an Item Index View####
In Solution Explorer, expand the Views folder. Right-click the empty Item folder, click Add, and then click View....
Adding a new View
In the Add View dialog box, complete the following options and then click Add.
- In the View name box, type Index.
- In the Template box, select List.
- In the Model class box, select Item (Todo.Models).
- In the Use a layout page box, type ~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml.
Adding the Index View
Visual Studio will create a template view, named Index.cshtml. Once it is done, the cshtml file will open.
Close the Index.cshtml file in Visual Studio; you will come back to it later.
####Adding a Create New Item View#### You will now create a new view for creating new Items, very much like you did in the previous section for the Index view.
In Solution Explorer, right-click the Item folder under the Views folder, click Add, and then click View.
In the Add View dialog box, complete the following options and then click Add.
- In the View name box, type Create.
- In the Template box, select Create.
- In the Model class box, select Item (Todo.Models).
- In the Use a layout page box, type ~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml.
Adding the Create View
####Adding a Delete Item View#### You will now create a new view for deleting Items.
In Solution Explorer, right-click the Item folder under the Views folder, click Add, and then click View.
In the Add View dialog box, complete the following options and then click Add.
- In the View name box, type Delete.
- In the Template box, select Delete.
- In the Model class box, select Item (Todo.Models).
- In the Use a layout page box, type ~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml.
Adding the Delete View
####Adding an Edit Item View#### Now, create a new view for editing existing Items.
In Solution Explorer, right-click the Item folder under the Views folder, click Add, and then click View.
In the Add View dialog box, complete the following options and then click Add.
- In the View name box, type Edit.
- In the Template box, select Edit.
- In the Model class box, select Item (Todo.Models).
- Select Create as a partial view.
Adding the Edit View
####Adding a Details View#### Now, create a new view for viewing details of the Items.
In Solution Explorer, right-click the Item folder under the Views folder, click Add, and then click View.
In the Add View dialog box, complete the following options and then click Add.
- In the View name box, type Details.
- In the Template box, select Details.
- In the Model class box, select Item (Todo.Models).
- Select Create as a partial view.
Adding the Details View
Once this is done, close all the cshtml documents in Visual Studio. You will return to these views later.
In this task you will add code in the ItemController class to handle the following functionality:
####Adding code to list incomplete Items####
Open the ItemController.cs file and remove all the code within the class, but make sure to keep the class. You will rebuild it piece by piece using DocumentDB in this section.
The file should look like this:
Add the following code snippet within the now empty ItemController class.
public ActionResult Index() { var items = DocumentDBRepository.GetIncompleteItems(); return this.View(items); }
This code also uses a "pseudo repository" class called DocumentDBRepository that has yet to be created. This is a helper class that contains all the DocumentDB specific code. For the purposes of this walk-through, it is not going to be a full data access layer with dependency injection, factories and repository patterns as it would probably be if you were building a real-world application. In this case, instead, a single class in which all the data access logic is centralized will keep things simple and allow the focus to be on the DocumentDB specific bits.
Right-click the Todo project and click Add. Then click Class.
Adding a new class
Once the Add New Item dialog box opens, name the new class DocumentDBRepository and click Add.
Adding the DocumentDBRepository class
Replace the content of the DocumentDBRepository.cs file just created with the following:
namespace Todo { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Azure.Documents; using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client; using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Linq; using Models; public static class DocumentDBRepository { private static string databaseId; private static string collectionId; private static Database database; private static DocumentCollection collection; private static DocumentClient client; private static string DatabaseId { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseId)) { databaseId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["database"]; } return databaseId; } } private static string CollectionId { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionId)) { collectionId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["collection"]; } return collectionId; } } private static Database Database { get { if (database == null) { database = ReadOrCreateDatabase(); } return database; } } private static DocumentCollection Collection { get { if (collection == null) { collection = ReadOrCreateCollection(Database.SelfLink); } return collection; } } private static DocumentClient Client { get { if (client == null) { string endpoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["endpoint"]; string authKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["authKey"]; Uri endpointUri = new Uri(endpoint); client = new DocumentClient(endpointUri, authKey); } return client; } } } }
The references to the ReadOrCreateDatabase and ReadOrCreateCollection methods will still remain unresolved, as these methods will be added in the next step. These two method calls are used for reading or creating DocumentDB databases and document collections.
Add the following code to the DocumentDBRepository class:
private static DocumentCollection ReadOrCreateCollection(string databaseLink) { var col = Client.CreateDocumentCollectionQuery(databaseLink) .Where(c => c.Id == CollectionId) .AsEnumerable() .FirstOrDefault(); if (col == null) { col = Client.CreateDocumentCollectionAsync(databaseLink, new DocumentCollection { Id = CollectionId }).Result; } return col; } private static Database ReadOrCreateDatabase() { var db = Client.CreateDatabaseQuery() .Where(d => d.Id == DatabaseId) .AsEnumerable() .FirstOrDefault(); if (db == null) { db = Client.CreateDatabaseAsync(new Database { Id = DatabaseId }).Result; } return db; }
This code takes care of setting up the database, a DocumentCollection, and creating code to connect to DocumentDB through the DocumentClient.
Now you will update the configuration to set the endpoint and authorization key values, retrieving them from the DocumentDB account that you set to create in the first task of this lab.
Open the Web.config file in the root of your project (not the Web.config file in the Views directory) and find the appSettings section. Update it to contain the last 4 keys in the snippet below.
<appSettings> <add key="webpages:Version" value=""/> <add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false"/> <add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true"/> <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true"/> <add key="endpoint" value="URI" /> <add key="authKey" value="PRIMARY KEY" /> <add key="database" value="ToDoList" /> <add key="collection" value="Items" /> </appSettings>
Switch to the browser instance in which you have the Azure Portal open. Verify that the DocumentDB account has been created by looking for your new DocumentDB account under all resources
Click on your new DocumentDB account under all resources.
Now, click the KEYS button to open the Keys blade. Copy the endpoint URI and paste the value in the Web.config file open in Visual Studio, in place of the URI placeholder.
Retrieving the keys of the DocumentDB account just created
Switch back to the browser in which the Keys blade is open and copy the PRIMARY KEY value. Switch to Visual Studio and paste it in the Web.config file, replacing the PRIMARY KEY placeholder.
Now that the code for handling the database is ready, let's add some code to do the work for the views.
The first thing you want to be able to do with a todo list application is to display the incomplete items. You will add a method to do that next.
Copy and paste the following code anywhere within the DocumentDBRepository class.
public static List<Item> GetIncompleteItems() { return Client.CreateDocumentQuery<Item>(Collection.DocumentsLink) .Where(d => !d.Completed) .AsEnumerable() .ToList<Item>(); }
At this point your solution should build without any errors.
If you run the application now, you will be taken to the HomeController and the Index view of that controller. This is the default behavior for the MVC template project. You will alter this behavior by changing the routing to open the Index view of the ItemController instead, so that the Incomplete Items are listed.
Open the RouteConfig.cs file under App_Start and locate the line starting with defaults:. Update it to resemble the one below:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); routes.MapRoute( name: "Default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "Item", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); }
This tells ASP.NET MVC that if you have not specified a value in the URL to control the routing behavior, it should use Item as the controller instead of using Home and use Index as the view. Now if you run the application, it will call your ItemController and return the results of the GetIncompleteItems method to the Item Index view.
Press F5 to build and debug the application.
The page that opens should look like this:
To Do application running locally
Stop debugging.
####Adding Items#### Now that you have a view to list items you will add the functionality of adding items into the database, so that you have something more than an empty grid to look at.
You already have a Create view in the application and a button in the Index view that takes the user to the Create view. You will now add some code to the controller and repository to persist the record in DocumentDB.
Open the ItemController.cs file and add the following code snippet, which is how ASP.NET MVC knows what to do for the Create action. In this case, it will just render the associated Create.cshtml view created earlier.
public ActionResult Create() { return this.View(); }
Still in ItemController.cs, add the following block of code that tells ASP.NET MVC what to do with a POST form for this controller.
[HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public async Task<ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "Id,Name,Description,Completed")] Item item) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { await DocumentDBRepository.CreateItemAsync(item); return this.RedirectToAction("Index"); } return this.View(item); }
Security Note: The ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute is used here to help protect this application against cross-site request forgery attacks. There is more to it than just adding this attribute; your views need to work with this anti-forgery token as well. For more on the subject and examples of how to implement this correctly, please see Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery.
Security Note: We also use the Bind attribute on the method parameter to help protect against over-posting attacks. For more details please see Basic CRUD Operations in ASP.NET MVC.
Now that the Create method is in place, the ItemController will pass the Item object from the form to the CreateDocument method. You just need to add the CreateItemAsync method.
Open the DocumentDBRepository class and add the following method:
public static async Task<Document> CreateItemAsync(Item item) { return await Client.CreateDocumentAsync(Collection.SelfLink, item); }
This method simply takes an object passed to it and persists it in DocumentDB.
With these steps, you have added all the code required to add new Items to the database.
You may have noticed some methods or classes are not yet recognized. This will be fixed in the next section.
####Editing items#### Now you will add the ability to edit Items in the database and to mark them as complete. The Edit view already exists in the project, so you just need to add some code to the ItemController and to the DocumentDBRepository class again.
Open ItemController.cs and add the following code:
[HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public async Task<ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Name,Description,Completed")] Item item) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { await DocumentDBRepository.UpdateItemAsync(item); return this.RedirectToAction("Index"); } return this.View(item); } public ActionResult Edit(string id) { if (id == null) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } Item item = (Item)DocumentDBRepository.GetItem(id); if (item == null) { return this.HttpNotFound(); } return this.View(item); }
The first Edit method handles the Http GET that happens when the user clicks on the Edit link from the Index view. This method fetches a Document from DocumentDB and passes it to the Edit view. The Edit view will then do an Http POST to the IndexController.
The second Edit method added handles passing the updated object to DocumentDB to be persisted in the database.
Add the following using directives to the ItemController.cs file.
using Todo.Models; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Net;
Add the following methods to the DocumentDBRepository class:
public static Item GetItem(string id) { return Client.CreateDocumentQuery<Item>(Collection.DocumentsLink) .Where(d => d.Id == id) .AsEnumerable() .FirstOrDefault(); } public static Document GetDocument(string id) { return Client.CreateDocumentQuery(Collection.DocumentsLink) .Where(d => d.Id == id) .AsEnumerable() .FirstOrDefault(); } public static async Task<Document> UpdateItemAsync(Item item) { Document doc = GetDocument(item.Id); return await Client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(doc.SelfLink, item); }
The first of these methods fetches an Item from DocumentDB which is passed back to the ItemController and then on to the Edit view.
The second method retrieves a Document in DocumentDB based on the id. This method is used by the third one (UpdateItemAsync) to replace the Document in DocumentDB with the version of the Document passed in from the ItemController.
Add the following using directive to the DocumentDBRepository.cs file. After this addition, all references should be resolved.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
With these additions, the Edit functionality should be working. Now you will add support for deleting items.
####Deleting items#### The code changes that allow the deletion of Items are similar to those made to allow the edition of items. As before, the Delete view already exists in the project, so you just need to add some code to the ItemController and the DocumentDBRepository class again.
Open ItemController.cs and add the following code:
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { if (id == null) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } Item item = (Item)DocumentDBRepository.GetItem(id); if (item == null) { return this.HttpNotFound(); } return this.View(item); } [HttpPost, ActionName("Delete")] //// To protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery, validate that the anti-forgery token was received and is valid //// for more details on preventing see [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] //// To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for //// more details see public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed([Bind(Include = "Id")] string id) { await DocumentDBRepository.DeleteItemAsync(id); return this.RedirectToAction("Index"); }
Add the following methods to the DocumentDBRepository class:
public static async Task DeleteItemAsync(string id) { Document doc = GetDocument(id); await Client.DeleteDocumentAsync(doc.SelfLink); }
####Viewing details of items#### The code changes that allow viewing details of Items are even fewer than those made to allow the edition or deletion of items. The Details view was already added to the project, and the necessary code in the DocumentDBRepository class to get a document already exists, so you only need to add some code to the ItemController.
Open ItemController.cs and add the following code:
public ActionResult Details(string id) { var item = DocumentDBRepository.GetItem(id); return this.View(item); } ```
You have finished adding all the necessary code for the application to work. In the next section you will test the application locally.
##Running the application locally
In this task you will verify that the application you built in the previous task is working as expected.
Press F5 to build and run the solution.
The application will be launched in a browser.
Application running locally
Click the Create new link and add values to the Name and Description fields. Leave the Completed check box unselected; otherwise, the new Item will be added in a completed state and will not appear on the initial list.
Testing - Creating an item
Click Create. You are redirected back to the Index view and your Item appears in the list.
Testing - the Index view after creating an item
Feel free to add a few more Items to your todo list.
Click Edit next to an Item on the list. You are taken to the Edit view where you can update any property of your object, including the Completed flag. Update any field and click Save.
Note: (Warning) If you mark the Completed flag and click Save, the Item will no longer appear in the list of incomplete tasks. Please do not do this just yet.
Testing - Editing an item
Back in the Index view, click Details. You will be taken to the Details view where all fields for the item are visible.
Testing - Viewing details for an item
Click Back to List and once in the Index view, click Delete. The app will navigate to the Delete view where you can confirm the deletion.
Testing - Deleting an item
Click Delete. You will be taken to the Index view, where you will see that the item no longer exists.
You can verify that completed items are not displayed in the Index view by creating a new item and editing it to check the Completed checkbox. Once you click Save and are redirected to the Index view, the item should no longer appear.
Go back to Visual Studio and press Shift+F5 to stop debugging.
The following steps will show you how to deploy the application to Azure as an Azure Web App. In the earlier steps, you connected your new project with an Azure Web App, so it's ready to be published.
In Visual Studio, right-click the Todo project and select Publish.
Publishing the application
The Publish Web dialog box will appear with each setting already configured according to your credentials. In fact, the website has already been created in Azure for you at the Destination URL shown.
Note: If you opened the end solution provided instead of following the lab instructions, you might have to enter additional information.
Click Publish.
Publish Web Dialog box
Once Visual Studio publishes the web application, it will launch a browser with the web application running. You can use it to perform the same operations you tried while running it locally.
Application running in IE from Azure
In this task you will learn how to delete the resources created created in the previous sections. These are:
- a website
- a DocumentDB account
To delete the website follow these steps:
In your browser, go to the management portal, and sign in with your Azure credentials.
Click App Services in the navigation on the left and then select your Todo app service.
Browsing app services
A blade displaying all App Services will be displayed.
Select your app and click DELETE in the details blade.
Clicking Delete to delete website
In the Delete Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
The web app will be deleted.
To delete the DocumentDB account proceed in a similar way:
Click DocumentDB Accounts in the navigation on the left.
Click your documentDB account and in the details blade that opens, click Delete.
Accessing the DocumentDB account just created
In the confirmation blade that appears, type your documentDB account name and click Delete. The account will be deleted.
Confirming deletion of DocumentDB account
By completing this lab you have learned how to create an ASP.Net MVC application that uses Azure DocumentDB to store data as JSON objects. You have implemented all basic CRUD operations, tested the application locally, and published it to Azure Websites.